UK study: Five times more children committed suicide than died of COVID during first year of lockdown

Breitbart last week reported on research by British universities that found nearly five times as many children died of suicide during the first year of COVID in the UK than died of the virus itself.Studies conducted by researchers at University College London, the University of York, the University of Liverpool, and the University of Bristol appeared to confirm that COVID-19 does not present a significant risk of death to children.The not-yet-peer reviewed preprint study found that only 25 children under the age of 18 died of coronavirus from the start of the pandemic until the end of February 2021. In total 61 children had died after testing positive for the virus, however, in 36 cases it was determined that the virus “did not contribute to their death”.During the same time period, there were 124 child suicides and 268 deaths from trauma, which the researchers said emphasized how the coronavirus is “rarely fatal” for children.The study concluded, therefore: “The risk of removal of [children and young people] from their normal activities across education and social events may prove a greater risk than that of SARS-CoV-2 itself.”[embed][/embed]