UK police continue investigating forbidden thoughts

West Midlands Police this month fined a woman for praying inside her head outside an abortion facility in Birmingham.

This is the third time in less than a year that Isabel Vaughan-Spruce has been cited for praying silently near abortion centers, which are protected by Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs). PSPOs prohibit “protesting, namely engaging in any act of approval or disapproval or attempted act of approval or disapproval, with respect to issues related to abortion services, by any means. This includes but is not limited to graphic, verbal or written means, prayer or counselling.” 

After being arrested for praying in her head in December 2022 and again earlier this year, Vaughan-Spruce was finally notified last month by police that the charges against her and the six-month long investigation were being dropped. Police added an apology for “the time this case has taken to come to this position.”

But on October 18th she was again approached by police as she stood quietly near an abortion center. One of the officers interrogated Vaughan-Spruce, asking her if she was part of a pro-life or “pro-choice” organization, if she was protesting, if she was there “to pray for the lives of unborn children,” and other questions. Vaughan-Spruce admitted to praying in her head, and when asked if she would be willing to do so outside the PSPO zone, she politely refused.

“I believe I’ve got a right to be here,” Vaughan-Spruce told the officers.

Alliance for Defending Freedom UK (ADF UK), a nonprofit pro-freedom organization which has provided Vaughan-Spruce with legal defense, said the Birmingham Council has decided not to pursue the penalty but warns that it will do so in the future.

Five days earlier a man named Patrick Parkes was also interrogated by police for thinking prayerful thoughts in the same place and was grilled about the content of his prayers. He was issued a warning. Another individual also received a warning for recording the incident.

A British military veteran named Adam Smith-Connor will be put on trial November 16th for also praying in his head. Smith-Connor was quietly standing with his back to an abortion center in Bournemouth in January when he was approached by law enforcement officers who asked him what he was doing.

“Well, I’m praying,” Smith-Connor answered.

An officer notified him that he was in an area governed by a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO). Smith-Connor replied that he was aware prayer is outlawed in the vicinity.

“Can I ask what is the nature of your prayer today?” the officer asked.

The 49-year-old responded that he was praying for his dead son, who was killed by an abortion Smith-Connor had arranged twenty years prior.

The officer said they had to follow orders, and issued Smith-Connor a £100 ($127) fine for “the prayer that you’ve admitted to.” Smith-Conner was also criminally charged with breaching a PSPO.