UK High Court denies request to release vaccine data on children

A judge in Her Majesty’s Court of Justice in England recently ruled that data on the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine on children – including the number of child deaths - should not be released, evidently because parents do not know how to interpret them. 

A mother who has chosen to be identified only as “EF” has two daughters, 13 and 16, who do not want to be vaccinated. Amid intense pressure for anyone eligible to get the shot, EF petitioned the UK’s Office of National Statistics (ONS) to release the data on the vaccine’s adverse effects on children, including deaths. 

But the ONS refused. 

EF then took legal action, supported by TV and radio host Beverley Turner, who raised £100,000 for legal fees. EF turned to the High Court to force the ONS to release the data, but she was denied by Justice Jonathan Swift, who implied that parents will be incapable of interpreting the data. 

“Correlation does not equal causation, and the ONS information is not necessary to decide that claim,” said Swift. 

EF was not shocked. 

“I’m not surprised,” she said. “I feel as though the judge had already made up his mind.” 

Turner, who was banned from the British talk show This Morning because she did not agree with the network about the COVID-19 vaccine, was in the courtroom when Swift issued his verdict. 

“It felt that the judge had already decided the outcome,” said Turner. “He was hostile to the plaintiffs and convivial to the defendants. “All we’re doing is fighting for transparency and for that, we got a hostile response.” 

EF says she just wants parents to be able to make an informed decision regarding giving the vaccine to their children. 

“None of them want to take the vaccine,” she said, “and one of them has a friend who fainted immediately after receiving the vaccine and was then off school for two weeks. We don’t know any details other than that, but she was clearly unwell otherwise she would have been at school. 

“We have no information,” EF continued. “They can’t tell us if the jabs cause cancer or blindness and until we know, how can we make a properly informed decision?” 

The UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation advised against giving the shot to healthy children between 12-15 years, but were overruled by four chief medical officers. 

Almost a million children under 18 have been injected with the COVID vaccine.