UK gov't medical adviser describes 'bodies raining from the sky' during COVID

Virtually everyone agrees that significant mistakes were made in most governments' handling of the COVID "pandemic." In the United Kingdom, the official COVID inquiry is now underway, tasked with identifying errors and making recommendations for the future. The tone for the inquiry was set by Professor Chris Whitty, the UK's Chief Medical Officer and the country's closest equivalent to Dr. Fauci, who predicted a looming pandemic that will be "on the same scale" as COVID. And in case anyone thought that pandemic preparations could proceed at a leisurely pace, those testifying before the inquiry made sure to emphasize the quasi-apocalyptic nature of COVID, recounting hair-raising tales that may or may not have occurred...

UK's Fauci: Get ready for next pandemic

Professor Whitty was quite clear that disaster is about to strike once again.

“We have to assume a future pandemic on this scale will occur,” he told the UK’s public inquiry into COVID. “That’s a certainty.”

Describing what he called the UK's “lack of intensive care capacity,” Whitty warned that a new virus that could be transmitted by people with or without symptoms was certain to appear again and that the government had to be ready to face the challenge.

COVID was like 'daily terrorist attacks'

Also testifying at the UK COVID inquiry was Professor Kevin Fong, whose account was frequently punctuated by weeping as he described COVID patients “raining from the sky” at the peak of the “pandemic.”

Fong is a former clinical adviser to the UK government on emergency preparedness, resilience, and response. As part of his job, he visited several intensive care units during the COVID waves. His first visit was in April, 2020, when excess deaths that year peaked. He told the inquiry that the visit was unforgettable.

I was greeted at the entrance by one of the intensive care registrars. I asked him immediately what things had been like. I’ll never forget … He replied: “It’s been like a terrorist attack every day since this started, and we don’t know when the attacks are going to stop.

Don't rely on the data — rely on me

Fong insisted that the official data failed to capture the extent of the crisis — how some hospitals were close to being in a “state of collapse.”

The scale of death experienced by the intensive care teams during Covid was unlike anything they had ever seen before. They’re no strangers to death — they are the intensive care unit. They look after some of the sickest patients in the hospital, but the scale of death was truly, truly astounding.
We had nurses talking about patients raining from the sky, where one of the nurses told me they just got tired of putting people in body bags.
[One hospital] said that sometimes they were so overwhelmed that they were putting patients in body bags, lifting them from the bed, putting them on the floor, and putting another patient in that bed straight away because there wasn’t time.

In fact, according to Fong, things were so bad that hospitals were running out of body bags and started using “clear plastic sacks and cable ties” instead.

And those nurses talk about being really traumatized by that, because they had recurring nightmares about feeling like they were just throwing bodies away ... Hospitals were drowning in patients.

Nurses wore diapers?

Responding to the harrowing descriptions, an organization named Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice UK, which represents thousands of people, said that what transpired was “not inevitable, can never be considered acceptable, and must never be repeated.”

All quite understandable if one accepts Fong’s description of COVID as “the biggest national emergency this country has faced since World War Two,” as the BBC relates. In fact, Fong said that the hospitals’ experience of COVID was worse than the immediate aftermath of recent deadly terrorist attacks such as the July 7th London bombings:

I worked in the emergency department during the 7th July suicide bombing with the helicopter medical service. And nothing I saw during all of those events was as bad as really Covid was every single day for every single one of these hospitals through the pandemic surges.

The British Royal College of Nursing called Fong’s testimony “powerful” and noted that it would “bring back disturbing memories for many nursing staff.” The Nursing Times repeated Fong’s descriptions of “scenes from hell” and how some nurses, lacking time for bathroom breaks, were forced to wear adult diapers during shifts.

Made in China...

As Fong concluded his testimony, the BBC writes, he was “thanked by the inquiry’s chairwoman, Baroness Hallett, who said that ‘it was obvious how distressing it was for you and reliving such an ordeal is never easy.’”

Ordeal? What ordeal? Fong’s tears were perhaps real, but what about the events he described?

Scouring the internet for references to British nurses wearing diapers comes up with nothing more than Fong's own account. A few articles written back in 2020 refer to Chinese nurses wearing diapers for long shifts. Did Fong take these stories, cleared by the CCP, as inspiration and fact? And why did the Nursing Times and the British Royal College of Nursing, whose members knew whether or not they were forced to wear diapers, report Fong's testimony without challenge or even curiosity?

And as for the "bodies raining from the sky" ...

The real numbers

According to The Times of London in an article published in late 2020, there were 59,000 “extra deaths,” surpassing the expected amount based on yearly averages, during the entire first six months of the “pandemic,” which covers the period Fong described in April of that year.

Of those 59,000 excess deaths, 26,000 occurred in care homes for the elderly. Another 25,000 occurred in private homes. That leaves just 8,000 excess deaths in hospitals, and The Times adds that of those, only around 5,000 occurred in ICUs. (It is also far from clear that this represented a surge higher than that found during years when influenza accounted for large numbers of deaths.)

Furthermore, as an article in The Telegraph, also from 2020, points out, “the NHS was able to cope even at the height of the first wave in April ... without ... resorting to the Nightingale [tent] hospitals which had been built at huge speed and huge cost” to accommodate the expected deluge of COVID patients."

Like a terrorist attack every day?

Why didn’t Baroness Hallett call out Prof. Fong for misleading (at best) the inquiry?

COVID as terror

Baroness Hallett officially launched the UK COVID inquiry and opened the first investigation in July, 2022. A former Court of Appeal judge and the first woman to ever chair the UK Bar Council, she is no intellectual lightweight.

Baroness Hallett also acted as coroner at the inquest into the London bombings of July 7, 2005. As such, she was well-placed to assess Fong’s comparison between COVID wards and the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, in which 52 people lost their lives and 770 people were injured, some horrifically. Apparently, she did not see any reason to comment on the difference between a respiratory virus that was partially responsible for the deaths of many primarily elderly people with at least one significant comorbidity, and the shocking and sudden deaths of people who would otherwise have continued to live relatively healthy lives.

The problem of groupthink...

As the inquiry began, Hallett stated that,

It's time for facts, not opinions — and I will be resolute in my quest for the truth.

The first phase of the inquiry dealt with the UK’s level of preparedness, which was found to be sorely lacking. Hallett also concluded that government ministers had suffered from “groupthink” as they had not received a “broad enough range of scientific advice.” She recommended, among other things, that the government processes for pandemic preparation be fundamentally overhauled:

My report recommends fundamental reform of the way in which the UK government ... prepare[s] for whole-system civil emergencies.
If the reforms I recommend are implemented, the nation will be more resilient and better able to avoid the terrible losses and costs to society that the Covid-19 pandemic brought.


Hallett also called for a nationwide pandemic response exercise to be held once every few years, and for “external expertise from outside government” to be brought in to “challenge and guard against the known problem of groupthink.”

Central to her recommendations was the establishment of a new, independent body that would run future pandemic preparedness exercises and responses, taking its guidance from scientists:

Most importantly, the creation of a single, independent statutory body responsible for whole system preparedness and response ... [to] provide strategic advice to government and make recommendations.

... if you're from the wrong group

It clearly became obvious, however, that Hallett's idea of independent and professional scientific guidance and the ideas of independent and professional scientists themselves are not at all the same. She has consistently disregarded or belittled the opinions of many leading scientists who disagree with the fundamental approach to pandemics that she supports, which is characterized by lockdown, social distancing, and mandated vaccines.

An open letter written by 55 leading scientists and academics to Baroness Hallett has now accused the inquiry of being “fundamentally biased.” The letter points out that Hallett has refused to listen to evidence from those who suffered from lockdowns; she initially refused to consider at all the mental health impact of lockdowns and other “anti-COVID” measures on anyone, and only partially backed down with regard to children, but not adults, after organized protests and intense lobbying by parents’ groups.

One of the signatories to the letter, Professor Sunetra Gupta, a world-renowned epidemiologist, was not even called to testify. Gupta was also one of the most prominent experts behind the Great Barrington Declaration which opposed sweeping lockdowns and instead argued for “focused protection” for those most at risk. But Hallett’s inquiry will apparently not delve at all into the question of whether lockdowns were beneficial — it takes the position that locking down faster, harder, and longer saves lives, and does not listen to any voices — including those of reputed scientists — who dare to present evidence showing otherwise.

Reporting on the past — or rewriting history?

Hallett was also embroiled in a row with the previous government under Prime Minister Sunak, due to her demand to be shown the notebooks and unredacted messages written by former PM Johnson. Sunak’s government responded to her demand by saying that the material was “unambiguously irrelevant,” to which Hallett countered that, “In my view, it is for the inquiry chair to decide what is relevant or potentially relevant.”

Is this the type of “independence” she would like to see in a future UK pandemic governing body — independent from democratically elected politicians, independent and in fact divorced from any views it disagrees with?

And, when the inquiry's reports are complete, will history accept their accounts of bodies "raining from the sky" as true representations of what occurred? Will the establishment once again succeed in writing propaganda into history and deceiving future generations?

The information contained in this article is for educational and information purposes only and is not intended as health, medical, financial or legal advice. Always consult a physician, lawyer or other qualified professional regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition, health objectives or legal or financial issues.