UK government flags Shakespeare, Orwell as potential 'white supremacy' indicators

The UK government has flagged a long list of potential signs of white supremacy which include critically acclaimed films and famous literature such as the complete works of William Shakespeare, J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, and 1984 by George Orwell.

The list was discovered last month during an audit of Prevent, a UK government program which “aims to stop individuals becoming terrorists.” Prevent’s Research Information and Communications Unit (RICU) issued a report which explained how white supremacists promote “reading lists” on online forums. In addition to Shakespeare, Tolkien and Orwell, Prevent flagged Chaucer, Milton, Tennyson, Kipling and Edmund Burke as potential signs of “far-Right extremism,” according to the Daily Mail. The works of famed poet GK Chesterton, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent were also included.

“This is truly extraordinary,” commented historian and broadcaster Andrew Roberts. “This is the reading list of anyone who wants a civilised, liberal, cultured education.”

RICU, which has an annual budget of £49 million (~$59 million) also flagged classic films such as The Bridge On The River Kwai, The Great Escape and Zulu, along with British TV programs, including the BBC’s Great British Railway Journeys, presented by former Conservative minister Michael Portillo, John le Carre’s Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, House of Cards and Sharpe.

Indeed, the report comes amid efforts to censor classic literature.

As reported by Frontline News last week, British author Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels are being rewritten with newspeak semantics after a review by “sensitivity readers” declared some words and phrases too “racially insensitive”.

Ian Fleming Publications Ltd, the company which owns the rights to Fleming’s literary works, is overseeing the rewrites of the books for their re-publication in April to mark 70 years since Casino Royale — Fleming’s first book in the James Bond series — was published.

News of the Bond rewrites came the week after it was reported that children’s literature classics written by famed British author Roald Dahl will be revised to reflect globalist newspeak.

The decision to censor the books was made by the Roald Dahl Story Co., which manages Dahl’s estate, copyrights and trademarks, and Dahl’s publisher, Puffin Books. The two companies are working with an organization called Inclusive Minds, which monitors children’s books for unapproved speech.