UK: Dozens of medics, doctors, scientists express 'grave concern' over proposals to vaccinate children

The Telegraph yesterday reported the UK government is facing a backlash over plans to extend the COVID-19 vaccine rollout to children.

Meanwhile, a petition entitled Do not vaccinate children against COVID-19 until Phase 3 trials are complete has been launched, directed to the UK Parliament.

"A risk vs benefit calculation does not support giving COVID-19 vaccines, which use novel technologies and are still in Phase 3 trials, to healthy children," it reads.

"Any rollout should not start until trials are complete and all findings are published and peer-reviewed on long-term safety data.

"Healthy children are at low risk from COVID-19 yet face known and unknown risks from COVID-19 vaccines. Rare, but serious, adverse events and deaths are being reported to monitoring systems around the world. Official guidance is updated as the side-effects become more apparent."

The petition concludes: "Giving COVID-19 vaccines to healthy children to protect adults is unethical and unjustifiable. The Government has an ethical duty to act with caution and proportionality."

At the time of publication, the petition had gained 9,081 signatures. According to the government petition site, at 10,000 signatures, the government will respond to this petition. At 100,000 signatures, the petition will be considered for debate in Parliament.