Twitter suspends Mini AOC, bans Libs of TikTok from advertising

Twitter has suspended Mini AOC, a little girl who achieved widespread popularity by mocking – and resembling – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). 

Mini AOC is played by 11-year-old Ava Martinez, a resident of Lake Forest, California. Ava made a name for herself in 2019 by recording videos in which she makes fun of the socialist congresswoman for her famous IQ deficiency. It did not hurt that Ava looks like Cortez, and the videos instantly went viral. 

“Like, hello America, AOC here again,” Ava said in one clip. “But this time from Washington, D.C., which is named after our first president — George Washington D.C.” 

“Like, I want to tell you about my plan to single-handedly save the planet. I call it the Green New Deal. I picked green because I’m still learning my colors. I came up with my plan after we were watching, like, the most important documentary on climate change. It’s called ‘Ice Age 2: The Meltdown,’” she said, referring to the animated kids’ movie. “That’s not me saying it, that’s science.” 

Mini AOC amassed over 250,000 followers, including some well-known influencers such as Sebastian Gorka and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza. 

But last week, Twitter locked her account without warning. 

According to Ava’s father, Salvatore Schachter, Twitter said the account was locked because Ava is under the minimum age of 13, despite Schachter having created the account in his name and writing in the bio that Ava’s parents control the account. 

“I feel we were locked out now because our account has been growing rapidly since Elon Musk announced his bid for Twitter and our views resonate with our followers while running contrary to Twitter’s views,” Schachter told the Daily Wire. “Just further proof of Twitter silencing conservative accounts even if it’s just your average American parents and their talented daughter trying to give a few laughs.” 

Just after she became popular in 2019, Schachter was forced to delete the account due to harassment and death threats. 

"The Left's Harassment and death threats have gone too far for our family. We have been getting calls on our personal phone numbers," he said at the time. "For our safety and for our child's safety, we deleted all Mini AOC accounts." 

Twitter also took action against Libs of TikTok Tuesday, an account that simply reposts TikTok clips uploaded by progressive activists, which garner attention due to their absurdity. 

Last month, Libs of TikTok was inexplicably suspended by Twitter for 12 hours, had the account owner’s identity outed by the Washington Post and was suspended by Instagram last week. 

On Tuesday, Twitter notified Libs of TikTok that it is banned from running ads, saying that “a user associated with your account is ineligible to participate in the Twitter ads program at this time.” Any active campaigns on Libs of TikTok “promoting a user or its Tweets will no longer run,” according to the notice.