Twitter refuses to suspend Leftists threatening violence against journalist

In 2019, Twitter suspended conservative journalist Andy Ngo for the following reply he tweeted to Chelsea Clinton.

“The US is one of the safest countries for trans people. The murder rate of trans victims is actually lower than that for cis population. Also, who is behind the murders? Mostly black men.” 

But despite Twitter’s policy on abuse/harassment, the social media platform will not be suspending Thor Benson or his followers who recently threatened violence against Ngo. 

Benson, a contributor to Left-wing publication The Daily Beast, chased an Asian man out of a New Orleans pub on Friday because he thought the man was Ngo, who is an Asian American. But Ngo was not in New Orleans. 

“I just ran into Andy Ngo at a bar in New Orleans. I politely told him he's a ‘garbage person.’ Lol,” tweeted Benson. 

Other Leftists tweeted their support of Benson, with some urging violence. 

"Did you throw a whiskey sour with a brick garnish at him?  He needs the attention," wrote one. 

"Came here to say some people need to be hit with a brick …you said it better lol,” said another. 

"An 'accidental' elbow to his grill—twice—would have been fitting,” replied yet another. 

Another netizen named Roel Miranda said that Benson “Shoulda clocked him” and asked him “which bar”. 

A filmmaker with pronouns in his bio asked Benson where Ngo was so he could “tell him something.” 

But Twitter has so far suspended none of these accounts. According to Twitter’s abuse/harassment policy, “You may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so. This includes wishing or hoping that someone experiences physical harm.” 

Twitter permanently suspended President Donald Trump in early 2021 on the mere far-reaching suspicion that a remark by Trump may in the future be connected to an act of violence. 

Ngo has been routinely targeted by the Left. In 2019, the journalist was beaten by Left-wing terror group Antifa, sending him to the hospital.