Twitter prepares to meddle in midterm elections

Twitter Thursday announced a new policy ahead of the midterm elections this November “to protect civic conversation” which includes both censoring what the tech giant deems false and promoting its own opinions to users. 

“Today, we’re announcing steps we’re taking ahead of the US midterms to protect civic conversation on Twitter,” announced the social media platform, which maintains cozy relations with the Biden administration. 

“The Civic Integrity Policy covers the most common types of harmful misleading information about elections and civic events, such as: claims about how to participate in a civic process like how to vote, misleading content intended to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in the election, and misleading claims intended to undermine public confidence in an election – including false information about the outcome of the election.” 

Twitter “will not recommend or amplify this content,” and “where there is potential for harm associated with the false or misleading claim, the Tweet may not be liked or shared to prevent the spread of the misleading information.” 

The policy falls in line with Twitter’s overall approach to politics, which one company executive admitted does not involve free speech and sees people as incapable of making rational decisions without Twitter. 

If there was any doubt as to which political side of the aisle Twitter leans, another Project Veritas hidden camera interview provides the answer. 

“Like we’re all commie as f***,” said Twitter Chief Engineer Siru Murugesan to another Project Veritas undercover journalist. Murugesan also said the company is “actually censoring the Right, not the Left,” and “some of my colleagues are like super Left, Left, Left, Left, Left.” 

“Twitter does not believe in free speech,” Murugesan confirmed. 

In its new policy, the company says it will pre-emptively tell people what to think so they don’t fall prey to alternative viewpoints.  This is known as “prebunking”. 

“We’re also bringing back prebunks — in English, Spanish, and all other languages supported on Twitter — to get ahead of misleading narratives on Twitter, and to proactively address topics that may be the subject of misinformation.” 

The tech corporation, which famously censored an explosive exposé on Hunter Biden during the 2020 election, said users can “trust the election conversations and content” on the platform. 

“Twitter plays a critical role in empowering democratic conversations, facilitating meaningful political debate, and providing information on civic participation –  not only in the US, but around the world,” continued the company. “People deserve to trust the election conversations and content they encounter on Twitter. 

“We’re exploring other ways to help people make sense of content they encounter during these critical times.”