Twitter exec caught mocking Elon Musk’s autism

In its second secret video drop in two days, Project Veritas caught a Twitter executive on hidden camera mocking Elon Musk for having Asperger’s Syndrome. The world’s richest man revealed his condition only last year during an appearance on Saturday Night Live. 

Twitter Lead Client Partner Alex Martinez unwittingly made the remarks to an undercover Project Veritas journalist during what he thought was a date. 

“He has Asperger’s,” Martinez says in the video. “So he’s ‘special.' I’m like, ‘You’re … special needs. You’re literally special needs."

Musk responded to the video Wednesday, though not in his usual buoyant manner. 

“Twitter exec trashing free speech & mocking people with Asperger’s...” he tweeted. 

Martinez went on to confirm what another Twitter employee divulged in a video from a day earlier, which is that Twitter has no interest in free speech. 

“The rest of us who have been here believe in something that’s good for the planet and not just to give people free speech,” Martinez says. 

He then seemed to suggest that people are not intelligent enough to make their own decisions, which is where people like himself come in. 

“The rest of us who have been here believe in something that’s good for the planet and not just to give people free speech,” Martinez says. “It’s gonna be hard for [Musk] to be like, ‘Uh, because people should be able to make their own decisions.' It’s like people don’t know how to make a rational decision if you don’t put out correct things that are supposed to be out in the public.” 

But not only is Martinez – and apparently his employer – not committed to free speech, they are unapologetically committed to censorship. 

“As an advertiser, as my business what I do every day and why I go out is like, we want [Twitter] to be as fair and transparent and accurate as possible and if that means there’s a level of censorship to make it correct, quote unquote. Again, and what does correct mean? I guess like, it just kind of goes into the idea of, like, what is correct?” the executive said, intimating that the definition of “correct” is what Twitter employees decide it is. 

Then, in a rare stroke of irony, Martinez confirmed to the undercover Project Veritas journalist that Twitter warned its employees about speaking to undercover Project Veritas journalists. 

The journalist read from a Twitter company warning to its employees to be careful about what they say. 

“It says ‘groups like Project Ve-ree-tas are active right now,'” the journalist said, pretending to be unfamiliar with his own organization. “What the f*** is that?” 

“It’s like some group that is trying to just out the employees,” Martinez replied. “Like, they’re trying to go out on dates with them, like this. And record them and then go sell it to The New York Times and say, ‘This is what the Twitter employee just said.'” 

“You’re lucky you just met me organically, because otherwise, I would be questioning everything about you,” he adds. 

Project Veritas released the video Wednesday with the caption, “We’re lucky we met you organically, too!” 

The video comes a day after Project Veritas released another undercover video showing one of Twitter's chief engineer's admitting that Twitter “doesn't believe in free speech” and revealing the company's “Commie” culture.