Trump video has opponents admitting president was right

A video clip has resurfaced showing German diplomats scoffing at President Donald Trump during his speech to the United Nations in 2018 in which he issued a stark warning to Europe.  

“Reliance on a single foreign supplier can leave nations vulnerable to extortion and intimidation and that is why we congratulate European states such as Poland for leading construction of a Baltic pipeline so that nations are not dependent on Russia to meet their energy needs,” Trump told the UN General Assembly.  

But to Germany, who insisted on building the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline with Russia, Trump issued a franker warning.  

“Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course,” said Trump.  

The video pans to the German delegation, who can be seen snickering at the president.  

Many on the Left snickered with them.

The video was posted to Twitter in 2018 by Left-wing NowThis News who mocked Trump by calling him “outrageous” and adding unflattering music. The post received thousands of likes and responses jeering at the president for his remarks. 

“So whose idea was it to have this clown speak anyway?? Was it so they could all be entertained??” wrote one user, who now has a Ukrainian flag next to her name. 

“Does @realDonaldTrump know ANYTHING? They laugh at his bravado and his lack of knowledge. I can only imagine the bar talk tonight,” wrote another. 

“Dear @realDonaldTrump, WE the people here in #Germany, know that you’re a dumb ass and we do know that for sure, you nodding idiot without a clue!” wrote another woman who has three vaccine emojis by her name. 

Another tweeted, “Your president is such a joke.” 

The responses continued in this vein, with some too vulgar to include. 

But as reported last month by Frontline News, Europe’s largest economy has in fact admitted that it is too dependent on Russia to impose any real sanctions on the country.   

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in a statement that oil and gas imports from Russia are of “essential importance”.  

“It’s therefore a conscious decision on our part to continue the activities of business enterprises in the area of energy supply with Russia,” said Scholz.   

“EU’s energy needs cannot be secured without Russia & its imports. Germany has no plans to suspend them,” he added.  

Germany relies on Russia for more than a third of its oil and over half of its coal and gas. 

A similar article was published by Business Insider last week, titled, “How Germany — Europe's biggest economy — became so dependent on Russian natural gas that it faces a 'virtually unavoidable' recession if it cuts off supply.” 

Now, many users are responding to the video admitting that Trump was right, some even expressing regret for discrediting him. 

“Someone just shared this [video] in a private chat and I honestly cannot believe what I just watched. Do you understand how depressing it is to have to say the words ‘Trump was right’?” wrote an influencer. 

The agreement poured in. 

“He was right about so many things but we just didn’t realise it at the time.” 

“I for sure suffered from that level of TDS and at this point would vote for him over a Dem on any generic ballot. The post-covid whiplash stilll leaves me stunned.” 

“He was right about damn near everything. You just weren’t allowed to notice.” 

“Yup, he was right on almost everything. That man was a gift to America.” 

“Trump has been right about most things but those of us (I include myself) who were busy listening to the media spins about him and nodding in agreement didn't get to actually listen to him.” 

“Few years ago my husband (who didn’t vote for Trump) told me Trump will end up be remembered as one of the better Presidents. I laughed . But looking back Trump was right in a lot of things (not everything). I just wish his all attitude/behavior was different!!” 

“He was right about a lot of things. But you and many others let the media fool you.” 

“Once we realize to the extent ‘they’ (establishment/media) has been lying, then it helps to go back and assess all of our assumptions. It's like going through your house and throwing out all the shit that holds ye back.” 

“This was a harsh realization I started having sometime in 2020. I didn’t like it but unfortunately had to accept it.” 

“It was very difficult last year when I came to this realization. But yeah, he was indeed right about quite a lot.” 

Of course, there are many who still refuse to credit Trump, blurting such tropes as “even a broken clock is right twice a day”, or claiming that the president only said it because he was “briefed” by someone else.