Trudeau reveals his true self with this one line

As governments wage war on their citizens in the name of public health and experts across the spectrum argue about COVID-19, the outcome of the struggle may depend on a convoy of Canadian truckers.  

The 2022 Freedom Convoy was started on January 15th in response to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s vaccine mandate, which took effect the same day. The vaccine mandate prevents those who are vaccine-free from entering Canada, which would ensure that some 32,000 cross-border truck drivers will be barred from re-entering the country after unloading their freights in the United States. 

The convoy is said to consist of about 10,000 trucks and is the largest convoy in history. It began its trek from British Columbia and arrived at Parliament Hill in Ottowa on Saturday, its final destination, where thousands are filling the streets of Ottowa to protest COVID mandates. 

The organization has raised over $7.2 million on GoFundMe and has garnered millions of supporters around the world, including figures such as Elon Musk and Joe Rogan. Thousands of Canadian citizens had come out to support the truckers on their journey, honking their horns and lighting fireworks. 

Prime Minister Trudeau has fled to an undisclosed location during the protests, in which there have so far been no reports of violence. 

Last week, when asked about the convoy, Trudeau said, “The small, fringe minority of people who are...holding unacceptable views that they are expressing, do not represent the views of Canadians...” 

Aside from the fact that Trudeau is using an old Soviet-style trick to dismiss certain groups by calling them a “fringe minority”, this is a rare moment in which the leader of a Western, democratic country has outwardly said that other views are “unacceptable” and that they should not be “expressing” them.  

Contrary to democracies, in which freedom of expression is essential, Trudeau is unhappy that views which do not conform to the state’s COVID-19 narrative are being expressed. Contrary to modern society, in which respecting other views is (or was) considered to be basic etiquette, Trudeau finds other views “unacceptable.” 

Trudeau’s ability to maintain the veneer of “devotion to public health” is slipping. 

Unwittingly, Trudeau has revealed the real purpose for the 2022 Freedom Convoy and the real undercurrent of the battle over vaccine mandates. It is not so much a battle between vaccinated and unvaccinated, but a battle between citizen and government, between freedom and submission, between democracy and fascism. 

While we do not know what change the convoy and the ensuing protests will effect, if any, at least they have revealed the true nature of those they are protesting.