Trojan horse infiltrating America's Frontline Doctors previously found guilty of cheating

Frontline News recently covered the court filing in which attorney Joey Gilbert, claiming to be Chairman of the Board of America's Frontline Doctors, alleged - under penalty of perjury - that he “discovered” an illegitimate property purchase by AFLDS Founder and President Dr. Simone Gold. It turned out that Gilbert himself recommended and participated in the purchase. More below, but first, a look at Gilbert’s fraud in the ring.


In the midst of Gilbert’s professional sports career, and after already becoming a licensed lawyer, Gilbert broke the law by taking performance-enhancing drugs. A drug test revealed an extraordinary number of banned substances in his system, all of which provided him with an unfair advantage over his opponents who followed the athletic commission’s rules. Gilbert was found with each of the following substances in his body at the same time:

  • anabolic steroids
  • amphetamines
  • methamphetamines
  • oxazepam
  • diazepam and 
  • nordiazepam


Sports Illustrated covered the plea bargain type agreement Gilbert made to get back in the ring:

Suspended boxer Joey Gilbert agreed to pay a $10,000 fine for a positive steroid test as part of a settlement with the Nevada Athletic Commission … Gilbert agreed Tuesday to the fine and a one-year suspension .... 

In exchange, the panel dropped all but one charge related to a banned substance found in his system -- a metabolite from an anabolic steroid. They dropped charges related to amphetamine, methamphetamine, oxazepam, diazepam and nordiazepam.

Newest fraud

Having been caught in that fraudulent scheme over a decade ago, Gilbert might be expected to be more careful to distance himself from fraud these days. But just this month, Gilbert alleged to a federal court that Dr. Gold improperly purchased a property with AFLDS money: 

Frontline News detailed how Gilbert himself was involved in the purchase of the property and even used an AFLDS subsidiary corporation, with his own law firm listed as the headquarters of that subsidiary, to purchase the property. And Gilbert himself recommended that Dr. Gold and other AFLDS workers use the appreciating property to save AFLDS rent payments while also benefiting from the appreciation of the property and maintaining ownership of it. The property is currently being used exactly as Gilbert proposed–to benefit the organization, including interviews, podcasts, meetings, fundraising events, and work space.

Shockingly, Gilbert still went ahead and signed his false claims that the property was purchased personally by Dr. Gold and that the purchase was without his approval, both statements made “under penalty of pedury [sic]” a brazen move for anyone, but likely a career-disqualifying move for a licensed attorney: 

Did Gilbert misspell perjury as pedury in the hopes of later avoiding a perjury charge - by claiming he actually did not sign the lawsuit under "penalty of perjury?" Obviously Gilbert - an attorney - knows how to spell perjury. 

If indeed purposeful, such a shady “Michael Avenatti style” move would call into question not only Gilbert's ethics but potentially the ethics or diligence of the attorneys Gilbert hired. In any case, how could he as the plaintiff, and they as the attorneys, file a federal lawsuit without the requisite verification properly executed and attached? Would such a move void the lawsuit? 

What did Gilbert know, and when did he know it?

Read our previous article on Gilbert’s schemes (AFLDS founder again tyrannized in staged embezzlement) and check back as we continue our series on Gilbert and try to answer the following questions:

  • What do the Nevada Rules of Professional Conduct and [ABA] Model Rules of Professional Conduct provide as sanctions for licensed attorneys found to have committed perjury?
  • Why is Gilbert facing a reprimand from the Nevada State Bar for misconduct?
  • Why was Gilbert sanctioned in a recent election lawsuit?
  • Why did Gilbert try to remove the doctor who founded America’s Frontline Doctors and replace her with a board of non-doctors when the very name of the organization indicates that it is run by doctors?
  • Why is Gilbert claiming to be the Chairman of the Board of AFLDS while not developing any programming or activities for the organization?
  • Why did Gilbert draw a very large salary from AFLDS during the entire time he was running for Governor of Nevada and was absent from the organization? 
  • Who is the mysterious donor that funded Gilbert's political campaign?