Top vaccine utopian confirms ‘causal link’ between COVID shots, myocarditis

Renowned pediatrician Dr. Paul Offit, America’s top vaccine advocate, has confirmed a causal link between the COVID-19 vaccines and heart inflammation.

Offit is the co-inventor of a rotavirus vaccine, the Vaccine Education Center Director at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and a former member of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to the CDC. He is on the Food and Drug Administration Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, has published over 150 scientific papers and has co-edited Vaccines, the country’s preeminent vaccine textbook.

Offit also opposes those who blame vaccines for autism. Offit himself is a founding advisory board member of the Autism Science Foundation and the Foundation for Vaccine Research.

Wikipedia hails Offit as a martyr for child vaccinations, pointing out that he received “hate mail and death threats” and "has become a figure of hatred to the many vaccine denialists and conspiracy theorists.” 

But the online encyclopedia has yet to record remarks Offit made last week in which he stated that the COVID injections can cause pericarditis, inflammation of the heart’s outer lining, and myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle.

“There certainly is a causal link between vaccination and myocarditis and pericarditis. No doubt about it,” Offit told Gad Saad on The Saad Truth. “It’s unclear why. I mean, it may be — as was noticed in 2020 — that SARS-CoV-2 virus, the spike protein, mimics one of the proteins on heart muscle cells, specifically the heavy chain of actin. So if that’s true then while you’re making an immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, you’re also inadvertently making immune response to your own heart muscle.”

Offit, who went on to praise Dr. Anthony Fauci, added that “we’ll find out to what extent there’s any long-term consequence with this over time.”

The federal government has reluctantly admitted to the vaccine’s relationship to pericarditis and myocarditis, describing the effect as “rare”. The Biden administration’s mainstream media partners find it even rarer, never mentioning the vaccine as a possible cause for any sudden or unexplained ailment, including pericarditis and myocarditis.

Fully vaccinated MSNBC anchor Yasmin Vossoughian this week was diagnosed with both pericarditis and myocarditis and spent nine days in the hospital. She blamed her near-death experience on the common cold.

The 44-year-old told viewers that prior to the incident, she was running seven miles a day, did yoga, didn’t smoke, was vegetarian, drank in moderation and was a “pretty healthy person”.

But on December 20th, Vossoughian began suffering chest pains which gradually became worse over the next ten days. Her husband took her to the emergency room where she was told she had “reflux”.

“I didn’t really buy it, but I was relieved it wasn’t my heart,” said the weekend anchor. “My body, though, was pretty certain not to believe the reflux.”

The next day, she woke up with pain in her chest and left shoulder and felt a tightening in her chest when she took deep breaths.

“My husband drove me to the emergency room, and from there, the nightmare that has been my January began,” she said.

The TV host was diagnosed pericarditis, a known side effect of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as confirmed by both the FDA and CDC.

Vossoughian boasted in April 2021 that she was vaccinated and praised her husband for waiting eight hours in the cold for the vaccine. She hosted segments on the need for child vaccinations and children getting vaccinated without parental consent.

But Vossoughian says the pericarditis was “brought on by a virus, a literal common cold”.

The doctors drained fluid from her heart and she was released four days later.

But three days after that, Vossoughian was hospitalized again, this time for myocarditis, another well-known side effect of the COVID-19 vaccines confirmed by health agencies around the world. She spent five days in the hospital.

This, too, Vossoughian blamed on the cold, which she claimed “caused all of the inflammation in and around my heart”.