Top pathologist advises women who want children to seek unvaccinated men

A top pathology expert last week advised women who want to have children to seek out men who were not injected with the COVID-19 shots.

Professor Arne Burkhardt, an internationally renowned pathologist who headed the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen for 18 years, issued the advisory during a conference in Stockholm over the weekend which focused on the science behind the COVID-19 pandemic.

The conference, titled "Pandemic Strategies, Lessons and Consequences", was hosted by a Swedish association of doctors named "Läkaruppropet" (The Physician’s Appeal), that brought experts from around the globe to present their science surrounding COVID. These experts included Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, and others.

Courtesy of Dr. Jessica Rose

Around 1,500 people attended, according to Dr. Rose, about 8% of whom were doctors.

In his presentation, Prof. Burkhardt showed the audience slides which revealed that the mRNA vaccine’s spike protein is being found all over the body, including the prostate and testes.

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, board certified in virology and microbiology and inventor on a patent application for universal vaccines, concluded that those not injected with the COVID-19 shots are the most protected against COVID-19.

Dr. Robert Malone, a co-inventor of the mRNA technology, talked about his near-death experience following his COVID-19 injection and the ensuing serious adverse events. He also emphasized that those who have been silenced for sharing scientific evidence critical of the vaccines see themselves not as victims but as warriors.

Sven Román, one of the founding physicians of Läkaruppropet, explained how the term “anti-vaxxer” is used to silence doctors and medical experts, even though the scientists and physicians present were not against vaccines.

“I don't think there is a single lecturer here who is generally against vaccines,” he said, adding, “What it's about is that people are skeptical about this particular new experimental vaccine that has never been used before, that has been developed in record time and that has caused more side effects than any other vaccine in world history.”

Román noted that the term “scientific consensus” is also a marketing ploy for federal science, because true science by definition requires dissent.

Renowned cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who until last year was a fierce advocate for the COVID-19 vaccines, discussed cardiac events resulting from the COVID-19 injections.

“What we have done is to introduce another risk factor for heart disease in the population,” said Dr. Malhotra. “This means that we will see an increased incidence of heart attacks and cardiac death for several years, and that is my biggest concern.”

Dr. Hans Zingmark, a specialist in internal and pulmonary medicine who has seen an increase in cases of blood clots in young patients, described how talking about the side effects of the COVID vaccine is verboten.

“This is an elephant in the room,” he said. “You can talk about all other drug side effects, but you can't talk about this one. There is always silence when I bring this up.”

Dr. Ryan Cole brought comic relief when he ascended the stage with a tin foil hat in mockery of mainstream media and public health elites who dismiss any critique of the vaccine as a “conspiracy theory”.

Courtesy of Dr. Jessica Rose

Notably, no mainstream media outlets reported the conference of the world’s top physicians.