Top doctor issues damning indictment of healthcare system - analysis

Dr. Aseem Malhotra has recently risen to fame after his call for the halt of COVID vaccinations, due to the dangers it poses to heart health. Once a staunch vaccine advocate, his personal odyssey to seeing the COVID era for what it is began with the inexplicable death of his father, who passed away not long after receiving a COVID shot due to multiple arterial blockages. As a cardiologist, Dr. Malhotra knew that his father's death made no sense given his previous excellent heart health, and he began to investigate.

The net result of months of genuine scientific curiosity was a scientific paper in two parts, peer-reviewed and published in the Journal of Insulin Resistance. Titled “Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine,” it provides a good summary of many of the disturbing results of the COVID shots.  These results have been known to many for months, but coming from a previous advocate of the shots who is also an expert in his field carries that much more weight.

In fact, Dr. Malhotra's paper contains far more than merely an indictment of the mRNA shots; it is essentially an indictment of the entire healthcare system as we know it.

In Part 2 of his paper, Dr. Malhotra describes “four key drivers and seven sins that are at the root of the medical misinformation mess.”

According to Dr. Malhotra, the “drivers” of the mess are based around the fact that “much published medical research is not reliable . . . [and] offers no benefit to patients.” Doctors, who should be their patients' advocates for best healthcare practices, are either “not aware” that research is unreliable or “lack the skills necessary to evaluate” the research. As a result informed consent is non-existent.

The “sins” Dr. Malhotra describes are almost all sins of bias, of researchers, pharmaceutical companies, the media, and doctors themselves who are derelict in their duty, bringing suffering rather than healing to those who turn to medicine for help:

Biased funding of research (that's research that's funded because it's likely to be profitable, not beneficial for patients.

Biased reporting in medical journals. 

Biased reporting in the media. 

Biased patient pamphlets. 

Commercial conflicts of interest. 

Defensive medicine. 

An inability of doctors to understand and communicate health statistics.

Dr. Malhotra adds that “the greater the financial interests in a given field, the less likely the research findings are to be true.”

Regarding the COVID shots, he concludes, based on months of research, that they have no real effect in preventing infection, serious illness, nor death, and that mandating them “therefore breaches the principles of informed consent.”

Dr. Malhotra concludes his paper on an optimistic note, expressing his hope that heightened awareness of all that is so very wrong will be used as “an opportunity to transform the system to produce better doctors, better decision making, healthier patients, and restore trust in medicine and public health.”

He admits, though, that calls to reform healthcare and eliminate the influence of money on treatment are nothing new. Citing former New England Journal of Medicine editor Dr. Marcia Angell, he stresses that “the real battle in healthcare is one of truth versus money.” Dr. Angell wrote that in 2017.