Top British official sacked after warning about Muslim supremacy

British Home Secretary Suella Braverman was abruptly fired Monday after penning an article last week warning about Muslim supremacy in Britain.

While affirming the right to peaceful assembly, Braverman took issue with recent mass protests in support of Hamas Muslims following the October 7th massacre in which they slaughtered 1,400 Israeli men, women, and children. Some of those demonstrators, Braverman noted, have stopped trains, attacked police, and mobbed poppy sellers raising funds for veterans.

Then the former home secretary said that the purpose of these protests are to assert Islam’s dominance over the United Kingdom.

“Here we reach the heart of the matter,” she wrote. “I do not believe that these marches are merely a cry for help for Gaza. They are an assertion of primacy by certain groups — particularly Islamists — of the kind we are more used to seeing in Northern Ireland. Also disturbingly reminiscent of Ulster are the reports that some of Saturday’s march group organisers have links to terrorist groups, including Hamas.”

Braverman was referring to violent riots in Northern Ireland during the latter third of the 20th century.

Another concern, said Braverman, is the double standard in policing which favors those protesting for Muslims. She drew a comparison to demonstrations during the COVID-19 pandemic when those who protested lockdowns were met with a harsh police response, unlike demonstrators for Black Lives Matter.

“There is a perception that senior police officers play favorites when it comes to protesters,” Braverman wrote. “During Covid, why was it that lockdown objectors were given no quarter by public order police yet Black Lives Matters demonstrators were enabled, allowed to break rules and even greeted with officers taking the knee?”

“Right-wing and nationalist protesters who engage in aggression are rightly met with a stern response yet pro-Palestinian mobs displaying almost identical behavior are largely ignored, even when clearly breaking the law? I have spoken to serving and former police officers who have noted this double standard.”

During a pro-Hamas protest earlier this month British police asked counterprotesters to keep their British flags held back. When asked why they were allowing PLO flags to be flown but not British ones, an officer replied: “There's way more of them than there is of us.”

Braverman's article was published in The Times of London on Wednesday and on Monday she was fired by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

But the termination was not unexpected. For some time, Britain’s Islamization has translated into more favorable treatment of Muslims by authorities.

In July, for example, a woman who drunkenly assaulted a bowling alley employee and shouted racial slurs in public dodged an abstinence order because she is Muslim. While normally, shouting the word “n*gger” or even posting it online could lead to arrest in the UK, 20-year-old Husina Hussain was let off with a light sentence so she would not miss Friday prayers in the mosque.

The same discrepancy is seen with regard to Muslim attitudes toward same-sex attraction.

According to surveys, over half of British Muslims openly believe same sex attraction (SSA) should be illegal, and nearly half believe one who struggles with SSA should not be allowed to teach in schools. In a 2009 study, 100% of the British Muslims surveyed called SSA immoral. In 2013, 400 Muslim leaders in the UK published an open letter opposing a bill legalizing same-sex marriage. In February, the Association of British Muslims expressed “deep concern” about the Church of England’s embrace of gender ideology and asserted that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. 

While such sentiment would normally be categorized as “hate” and carry harsh repercussions in Britain, it is accepted and even respected by British authorities as an integral part of Islam.

This could be attributed to the high level of Islamization of British society. Comprising 6.5% of the population in England and Wales, Muslims are the second largest religious group. At least nineteen Muslims serve in the UK Parliament, and Muslim Labour Party member Sadiq Khan has been serving as London’s mayor for nearly a decade. The Muslim name “Mohammed” has been the most popular name for baby boys in England for the last seven years.

Islamic financial interests in the UK, which began to surge in the seventies, may also be a large factor in the British government’s attitude towards its Muslim citizens.

Qatar, for instance, is the tenth largest landowner in the UK, with 23 million square feet of Britain belonging to the Qatari government. Kuwait is estimated to own roughly £17 billion ($22 billion) in British assets, including shares in British Petroleum, Vodafone, and HSBC. British investments of Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the UAE total over £140 billion ($181 billion). The British government also reportedly owes Iran a debt of £400 million ($517 million).

The UK accounts for about 85% of all Islamic banking assets in Europe, according to estimates, more than any other European country (excluding Turkey). There are at least five banks in the UK fully compliant with Sharia law. According to TheCityUK, “the UK is the main hub for Islamic banking in the Western world.”