This week in LAWS: Latin America in globalist crosshairs

"Sustainable Development" in twenty-one countries: On July 17 and 18, the Third EU-CELAC Summit was held in Brussels, with European Union President Ursula Von Der Leyen meeting heads of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) as part of the EU Global Gateway strategy.

The European Commission website says the objective is to “reinforce common priorities” in the “fight against climate change”, digital transitions, health, food security, among others. The EU has committed to invest more than 45,000 million euros by 2027 in more than 130 projects. Twenty-one Latin American countries established an agreement called "EU-LAC Digital Alliance" as part of their commitment towards the transition to digital currency.

Another institution promoting what they call “sustainable livestock policies” in all Latin American and Caribbean countries is the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), based in Chile. This organization has supported nearly 30 projects to put sustainable livestock into practice.

In their meetings with member countries, held every two years, they deal with regulatory and technical issues in the field of animal health, livestock services, sustainable livestock production, and climate change.

Brazil: Regarding the large scale CBDC launch, South America's largest country ranks among the top 20 to adopt CBDC along with Argentina, Colombia, and Ecuador. Brazil wants to start a pilot program by 2024. In 2021, Brazilian transactions on Pix exceeded purchases with credit and debit cards. According to a survey in 2022, instant payment reached 92% acceptance.

Panama hosted the "Technical Meeting on Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable and Inclusive Adaptation to Climate Change", with participation of 50 technical officials from the road infrastructure sector of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.

Paraguay saw an increase in acquired immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cases. In 2022 there was an increase of 26% compared to two previous years according to data from the HIV Counseling and Surveillance Program of the Public Health Ministry.

Venezuela: Thousands of Venezuelans walked to Mexico's southern border, headed towards the U.S. They walked 38 kilometers from the border line, flying a banner that read “S.O.S, Liberty and peace.”

Peru is in its fourth week of health emergency due to the increase in cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome. There have been 147 cases in the country with 31 hospitalized and four deaths in the regions with the highest rate of COVID vaccinated.

Peruvian health authorities have not been able to discover what caused the GBS outbreak. However, as new drugs for treatment continue to be investigated, and as the FDA accelerated a new GBS treatment in 2019, some say the main consideration driving Peru's health emergency is not the disease, but the new drug.

Honduras reports new COVID-19 cases, according to COVID-19 Observatory of the Central American Technological University (Unitec) Director Dr. Reina Durón, for every 100 tests to detect the virus, 3.7 came out positive, although more than half of the country's population is fully vaccinated.  Honduras' Health Minister recommends “physical distancing and using a face mask correctly.”