This week in #DiedSuddenly

Reports of healthy, young people dying unexpectedly continue to pour in daily, a phenomenon the media and their doctors are dismissing as Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).  

Out of the many cases sent to America’s Frontline News this week, we have chosen a small handful to include in this report to help shine a spotlight on these ‘unexplained’ deaths. 

John Ross 

34-year-old John Ross, known for his hostile rants against those who refused to get the COVID-19 injections, died suddenly this week. 

“Fuck your memes and your feelings,” he wrote in a Facebook post last year. “Just get the damn vaccine and wear a mask. I dont know when people stopped believing in science but IT IS GOD DAMN SCIENCE. You all had to have vaccines to enter school. Stop being paranoid sheep about your own health and that of others. You don't like it then block me. The amount of mass stupidity about how viral bodies work is laughable. Its men and women with families in labs fighting for the ability for others to go home and see thier own families. The vaccine is not meant to prevent you from getting the virus. Its meant to keep you from dying a horrific death from the virus. That is why people with pre-existing conditions die from it when vaccinated. This concept is up there with the world being flat, the moon landing was fake, Walt Disney is frozen in ice, the earth is hollow, and people that don't believe in fucking climate change. I said my peace [sic] and those who know me know I've never had a problem doing so. If I have to stare at 10x as many posts that dispute this then I stand by the researchers, scientists, and experts that have devoted thier [sic] lives to these fields NOT the keyboard cowboys who have no expertise in a field they are leading you on with. Delete me if you have an issue with this.” 

On October 7, 2022, the day after he flew to Pennsylvania, John died of a sudden heart attack. According to his uncle, Robert Bonner, the coroner said John had 95% blockage in one artery alone. 

“He will live on as one of the most polite, sensitive and beautiful persons you ever met, taken from this world way too soon,” says John’s obituary. 

Mitchell Drucker 

In August 2021 51-year-old Mitchell Drucker posted a photo of a sign that read: “Have faith in the Pfizer vaccine. Don’t forget they make Viagra. If they can raise the dead...they can save the living.” 

On October 8, 2022, Mitch died suddenly while visiting the Comic Con convention, though no cause of death has been revealed. 

“Unfortunately, Uncle Mitch passed away unexpectedly this morning while attending his favourite event New York Comic Con,” wrote Mitch’s friend, Jennifer Merchant, in a Facebook post. “We are very shocked and saddened but find comfort in knowing that he was so excited for this weekend, as he is every year and passed doing what he loved and following his passion.” 

Jim Wareing 

In August 2021, 50-year-old Jim Wareing recommended everyone abandon the “unvaccinated”. 

“Pro tip: I have a unique insider view to whats happening locally,” he wrote in a Facebook post. “No matter your age or health or vaccine status  mask up, stop sharing indoor air with others, and if you have for any reason chosen to remain in the group that is unvaccinated:get out of that group as fast as possible.   The great part about science is that it's true whether you believe it or not.   Please don't let your club allegiance prevent you from staying alive.   The virus infecting you now is a totally different thing than a few months ago   A much more infectious and deadly thing.” 

On October 2, 2022, Jim died unexpectedly during one of his visits to Martha’s Vineyard where he liked to participate in the fishing Derby. He was found sitting lifeless in his Suburban a half hour after chatting with friends.  

No cause of death has been disclosed.

According to an article written about Jim in Martha’s Vineyard’s local newspaper, the MV Times, a lone chair has been placed where Jim’s Suburban was.