‘This is what brainwashing looks like’: Israel’s vaccine influencers

A clip circulating social media shows to an extent the Israel government’s efforts to condition citizens to get injected with the COVID-19 vaccine. 

The video, produced by RTmag.co.il, shows various montages of young Israeli influencers urging their followers to get vaccinated. All the influencers are using the same script. 

“As you know, unfortunately, the COVID virus is back,” they all chant, “and it’s extremely important to stay healthy. “Get vaccinated now, just before school starts. I got vaccinated already.” 

“We will not be able to meet at the malls and hang out,” the influencers continue. “So to avoid going into quarantine, get vaccinated. We must prevent this, friends. Get vaccinated.” 

“It’s nonsense, take the vaccine! Get vaccinated!” repeats a chorus of Israeli officials, including former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, and multiple Health Ministry officials. 

“I got vaccinated already, go get vaccinated. If you are still hesitant about the vaccine, if you are still uncertain, I suggest you speak to your parents, your older brothers and sisters, also your family doctor,” say the influencers in unison, before assuring viewers that the Ministry of Health has all the information about the vaccine. 

“And by the way, the Health Ministry website has all the information you need. So get informed and vaccinate. We're relying on you.” 

“This is what brainwashing looks like," concludes RTmag.co.il. 

It is so far unclear the extent of the Israel government’s propaganda campaign, though this is the first indication that influencers were used to push the vaccine. 

Many found the government’s vaccination campaign surprisingly aggressive, with punitive restrictions and harsh rhetoric directed at the unvaccinated. 

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett accused the unvaccinated of “walking around with a machine gun firing Delta variants at people,” and urged parents of vaccinated children to fight with parents of unvaccinated children. Bennett also made moves to hold back unvaccinated Israeli children from going to school and imposing lockdowns on the unvaccinated population. 

In September, Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz was caught on hot mic admitting "there is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport [green pass], it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate." 

While it was known that Israel promised Pfizer that it would experiment with the vaccine on its population, many were still alarmed by the aggression.

“I just don't understand the mentality of [Israel's] government,” said Candace O host Candace Owens in an interview with Dr. Robert Malone.