‘This is a concentration camp’: More medical experts speak out

by Yudi Sherman

Numerous medical professionals from all over the United States converged this week to participate in a panel hosted by Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin).

The purpose of the panel was to hear the perspectives of world-renowned doctors and medical experts on the global response to the pandemic, early treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, and changes that should be made.

The panel was comprised of four ‘pillars’: Limit the Spread, Early At-Home Treatment, Hospital Treatment, and Vaccines. Each featured medical experts at the top of their field, including Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone, who have been particularly vilified by the mainstream media for their medical opinions. 

Nurses were also invited to attend and share their experiences and thoughts on the pandemic.

Among them was Jennifer Bridges, a registered nurse who was fired from her job at Houston Methodist for not getting vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine.

The panel also heard from Nicole Sirotek, a registered nurse in New York and Nevada and a masters-prepared biochemist. Sirotek also founded America’s Frontline Nurses, a non-profit organization of nurses across the country.

“Two days ago, I flew out my first 10-year-old with a heart attack,” Sirotek told the room. “I had to fight the doctor in the ER because he said, ‘What do you mean? 10-year-olds don’t have heart attacks...it’s impossible’. I said it’s very much possible, he was just vaccinated yesterday.”

“I didn’t see a single patient die of COVID,” she continued. “I’ve seen a substantial number of patients die from negligence and medical malfeasance.”

Sirotek then went on to describe the horrors she has seen as a result of COVID-19 policies, such as mandatory isolation.

“As nurses, we are getting reports across the country from our America’s Frontline Nurses about patients not getting food, patients not getting water. How come this patient hasn’t been fed in nine days? Why do I need to get a court order to a force a hospital to feed a patient who isn’t intubated and is literally telling you they need food...I’ve had patients that haven’t been bathed, haven’t been fed, haven’t been given water, haven’t been turned. And if you ask me, this isn’t a hospital, this is a concentration camp.”

At that, the room exploded in applause.

Sirotek revealed that hospitals isolate patients for hundreds of hours at a time, when such lengthy isolation isn’t even allowed in prisons. Sirotek was fired from her job because she violated that isolation for a dying Hispanic patient when she snuck the patient’s family in to perform the last rites.

In May 2020, Sirotek went to New York City to assist with COVID-19 and the nursing shortage in the city. She went viral for a video in which she cried from the nurse’s breakroom that the hospital was murdering her patients.

Sirotek recounted to the room the medical milieu at the time.

“The pharmaceutical companies had gone into those hospitals to practice, I guess you can say, on the minorities, on the disadvantaged, on the marginalized populations that we know we have no advocates for,” she said. “They rolled out remdesivir on a substantial number of patients for which we all saw it was killing the patients. And now, it’s the FDA-approved drug that is continuing to kill patients in the United States.”

Remdesivir is a COVID-19 drug recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), the CDC, and other medical establishments. Remdesivir is considered by many doctors to be dangerous as a treatment of COVID-19.