The revolution against wokeness has begun

This week, satirical website The Babylon Bee was suspended from Twitter for posting a meme. The meme showed Rachel Levine, the transgender assistant Secretary of Health, featured as “Man of the Year” on a magazine cover.  

The post was a play on Levine being named “Woman of the Year” last week by USA Today

Then, Turning Point USA founder and executive director Charlie Kirk was also suspended from Twitter for the following tweet: 

“Richard Levine spent 54 years of his life as a man. He had a wife and family,” Kirk tweeted. “He ‘transitioned’ to being a woman in 2011, Joe Biden appointed Levine to be a 4-Star Admiral and now USA Today has named ‘Rachel’ Levine as a ‘Woman of the Year’. Where are the feminists??” 

Then, Fox News host Tucker Carlson was suspended from Twitter for saying that both of those tweets were true. 

Despite being banned from their accounts and large followings, all three refused to bend the knee and recant. 

"You may disagree with my stance on this issue, but now you can't even go on Twitter and disagree with me because they have disappeared what I said,” said Kirk. “It's this type of censorship that will ultimately destroy Twitter as a viable platform for speech, if that hasn't already happened. Competitors are popping up everywhere." 

Indeed, it seems as though conservatives are beginning to revolt against the woke corporations that are demanding their compliance with progressive ideologies, and they’re doing it through competition. 

Yesterday, Frontline News reported on Jeremy’s Razors, a company launched yesterday by the Daily Wire to compete with Harry’s, a woke men’s grooming line. 

Harry’s had been advertising with the Daily Wire until a disgruntled low-level employee of the conservative news site – who had two Twitter followers – tweeted a complaint to Harry’s about the Daily Wire’s traditional views on gender. 

After that, Harry’s pulled their ads from the Daily Wire, calling the news site’s views “inexcusable” and saying that there was a “values misalignment". 

So, the Daily Wire created Jeremy’s Razors, a men’s grooming line, to hit Harry’s where it hurts and draw away business. 

In fact, Jeremy’s Razors' entire identity is built around being the anti-Harry's, even selling its products on 

In its launch ad, Daily Wire CEO and Co-Founder Jeremy Boering says that “if you’ve had enough of the woke bullsh*t and you’re tired of paying companies like Harry’s and Gillette who hate you, buy my new razor instead.” 

Jeremy’s Razors also bought out all the ad space in front of Harry’s headquarters and placed their ads there to taunt them. 

This was a new move for the conservative movement. This wasn’t simply an alternative, like Truth Social. This was an offensive.  

As Boering says, it’s time to exact a “penalty". 

“I want to create a price, an actual penalty by creating a market around the sort-of disenfranchised conservative buyer,” Boreing said. “I believe, in the long run, the only way to change the behavior of these big companies is to actually incentivize them with market forces into having to come compete for our business. They have to actually take a loss to realize that they have to change their behavior.” 

Boering explained how woke corporations bend other companies to their will. 

“They pay conservatives to help them reach an audience, they pay us to endorse their products — we only do it if they’re good products, we’re proud to have them as sponsors — we tell our audience about them, and then at the first sign of trouble, they stab us in the back, they betray us,” he said. “Not by pulling their money …. but for doing it publicly, they have to go virtue-signal, and by virtue-signaling and publicly saying, as Harry’s did, that our views are ‘inexcusable,’ they’re telling all of our other advertisers that the only ‘excusable’ thing to do, would be for them to also cancel us.” 

“Conservatives aren’t going to win by lamenting the loss of the culture, lamenting the loss of the economy,” Boreing emphasized. “We have to actually go create a new economy, we have to create a new culture.”