You'll eat lentils and you'll be happy'

An opinion piece published by Bloomberg on Saturday has created an international uproar across the political spectrum. 

The article, which tells people to downgrade their lifestyles to cope with historic-high inflation, was tweeted out by Bloomberg with the following caption: 

“Inflation stings most if you earn less than $300K. Here's how to deal:  

  • Take the bus
  • Don’t buy in bulk
  • Try lentils instead of meat
  • Nobody said this would be fun”

The article and its accompanying tweet are seen as representative of the elite Left, who have consistently downplayed inflation and are calling for people to sacrifice their livelihoods to punish Russia. 

One week ago, Bloomberg sent out the same article with a tweet that suggested letting your dog die to fight inflation. 

“From selling your car to forgoing chemotherapy for your dog, @tghilarducci has tips on how to beat inflation (via @bopinion),” wrote the news outlet. 

Among those who joined the backlash train was El Salvador President Nayib Bukele, who quoted the Bloomberg tweet and added his own. 

“The most powerful country in the world is falling so fast, that it makes you rethink what are the real reasons,” wrote Bukele. “Something so big and powerful can’t be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within.” 

One of the popular responses to the article by social media users is “You will eat lentils and be happy”, a reference to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) global agenda. 

In its 2020 video laying out its agenda for 2030, the WEF famously predicted, “You will have nothing, and you’ll be happy,” and added other predictions such as meat being a “treat” and not a “staple”. 

Notably, the WEF is a big fan of eating lentils. 

Last month, the WEF shared an article with the tweet, “Are lentils the key to longevity?”

 The globalist organization has also posted numerous articles to its website promoting lentils within recent years. 

Other notable responses to Bloomberg included: 

  • “The Liberal Establishment Guide To Handling Inflation: ‘Eat lentils, poors!’” - author and podcast host Michael Knowles
  • “Crazy that one of the suggestions isn’t to stop paying subscriptions to out of touch, dusty media outlets.” - “American Dad” screenwriter Soren Bowie.
  • “Good news. According to Bloomberg, you can avoid all the disastrous policies of the Biden White House for just a mere $300k a year! Can you say, tone deaf?” - Texas Republican Congressional Candidate Wesley Hunt