‘That’s murder’: NYT report on CDC sparks outrage

A bombshell New York Times report published Sunday charged that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been holding back crucial COVID-19 vaccine data for more than a year now. 

According to the report, the CDC deliberately withheld data about the COVID-19 booster shot for 18-49-year-olds. That age group is the least likely to benefit from the booster shot. 

Instead, members of the medical community looked to Israel for that missing data. 

The CDC responded to the report by first saying that they simply weren’t ready to publish the data. 

CDC Spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund said that the data wasn’t provided to the public “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.” 

Then, the CDC justified withholding the data because it might be interpreted to mean that the vaccine is ineffective. 

The report has sparked widespread outrage, with many on social media calling for the resignations of key CDC officials. 

"Everyone leading the CDC should be fired. Everyone,” tweeted Ben Shapiro. 

“I see people calling for the firing of CDC officials because they’ve withheld critical information about vaccines,” wrote nationally syndicated radio host Jesse Kelly. “This is exactly why we are where we are. We are talking about medical decisions that ended lives. We don’t need ‘firings’. That’s murder. We need public trials." 

“The condescension is palpable. The wheels are finally coming off,” wrote Nicole Saphier, MD. 

"’The CDC is hiding data from you’ is this entire pandemic in a nutshell,” said thebradfordfile. 

Alex Washburne, a mathematical biologist with a Ph.D. from Princeton, has worked with the CDC in the past.  “When an institution like the CDC refuses to release data, it undermines the dignity of the people it serves,” said Washburne. “It undermines our ability to adapt and innovate, to discuss policy in light of the latest. It undermines our open, honest & endless pursuit of answers.” 

“Corrupt and politicized @CDCgov hiding almost all the booster and other covid data it collects--including hospitalizations by vaccine status,” tweeted Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Why? Because it might be ‘misinterpreted’ in a way to undermine vaccines.”