Study claims vaccine adverse effects caused by stress from 'vaccine misinformation'

According to a recent study published on the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) website, anti-vaccine “misinformation” is likely what is causing cardiac events and blood clots, not the vaccine itself. 

The study, a “mini review” published by self-proclaimed “mRNA alchemist” Raymond Palmer, claimed that people are being “terrorized” into refusing the vaccine. The terrorists in question have “no scientific training,” says Palmer. 

“Fear mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorise people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process,” says the study. 

But Palmer clarifies it is not only the COVID-19 vaccine’s side effects, but any vaccine’s adverse effects which can be attributed to those who question the shots. 

“This brief review will offer data that may demonstrate that misinformation perpetuated by the anti-vaccination movement may be causing more deaths and side effects from any vaccine.” 

The study explains that when an individual is stressed or scared, their arteries constrict and shrink, which can cause heart attacks, blood clots and strokes, among other events. Therefore, propter hoc stress at the time of receiving the injection “is the most likely cause” of any post hoc adverse events. 

“This biological mechanism (the constriction of veins, arteries and vessels under mental stress) is the most likely cause for where there has been blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, dizziness, fainting, blurred vision, loss of smell and taste that may have been experienced shortly after vaccine administration. The extreme mental stress of the patient could most likely be attributed to the fear mongering and scare tactics used by various anti-vaccination groups.” 

Palmer’s study appears to acknowledge that these adverse events are for the most part occurring mostly in vaccinated individuals. However, the study does not address why unvaccinated individuals, though subjected to history’s largest intimidation campaign coordinated between mainstream media, government and tech oligarchies, have not seen a significant increase in blood clots and heart attacks. 

The study does not explain why the unvaccinated, ostracized by society and threatened with “a winter of severe illness and death,” have not been reporting constricting arteries. 

Another assumption by the study is that those who received the injections did so with fear and trepidation instead of confidence and trust in the “experts,” though no data supporting this premise are presented. 

The study also falsely claims that those warning against the COVID-19 shots have “a profound lack of scientific and medical training,” whereas in fact they include vaccine inventors, history's most published cardiologists, and other world-class physicians.

“The science discussed here clearly establishes that anxiety and fear causes vasoconstriction disorders, and that a particular movement that is trying to save people with a profound lack of scientific and medical training (the anti-vaccination movement) from vaccine side effects may actually be the entity causing the majority of side effects,” adds the study.