Stories pour in as billionaire pledges to fund legal battles against corporate fascism

Netizens Sunday flooded X (formerly Twitter) with stories after billionaire Elon Musk pledged to fund legal battles against corporate fascism.

“If you were treated unfairly by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill,” tweeted Musk Sunday. “No limit. Please let us know.”

X users immediately replied to Elon Musk with accounts of how they were persecuted for expressing their views on the platform.

Libs of TikTok shared how video game company Limited Run Games fired Community Manager Kara Lynne in January after a gender totalitarian targeted her for following Libs of TikTok on Twitter. Lynne was also shamed for following Post Millennial reporter Ian Miles Cheong and writing posts opposing men using women’s restrooms. The gender totalitarian complained and Lynne was fired that same day. 

After verifying her story, Musk replied Sunday: “Great, let’s have at it!”

A user who goes by “Clandestine” and is believed to be former restaurant owner Jacob Creech told Musk his Twitter account was suspended and he was targeted by over 40 media outlets for posting last year about US biolabs in Ukraine. Globalist organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League wrote profiles on Creech painting him as a White supremacist and Russian sympathizer. He has been unable to find employment since, and asked for Musk’s help to sue the media corporations.

Popular sportscaster Luis Moreno, Jr replied that he was dropped from the Carolina Panthers football team in 2020 over his support for President Trump.

Physician Dr. Mollie James related that after she publicly expressed opposition to vaccine mandates, her hospital leadership told her to “pipe down” then fired her two months later for “sharing her unvaccinated status.”

Another notable netizen who responded to Musk’s offer was TV star and comedienne Roseanne Barr. The conservative celebrity’s sitcom “Roseanne” was dropped by ABC after she criticized a Black woman who served former President Barack Obama. Barr was deemed “racist” for using the word “ape” in the tweet. “Let’s go!” Barr replied to Musk.

Kelly Stewart related that she was fired from ESPN before her start date due to tweets from nine years before which contained “homophobic slurs”.

Dr. Friedrich Pürner, MPH was terminated from his post as head of a local Bavarian health department after tweeting his opposition to masks, particularly in schools. Dr. Pürner was first told to delete his Twitter account. When he refused, he was fired shortly after.

Many other physicians and health workers responded to Musk with accounts of termination or unfair treatment due to their opposition to government mandates. These included Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, Dr. Simon Goddek, and others.

Some users suggested President Donald Trump as a candidate for Musk’s offer.