State Department pressing allies to concede to Marxist revolutionaries

The Biden administration has restored a State Department policy, established under Franklin Delano Roosevelt and carried out by Democrat as well as some Republican administrations, of pressuring U.S. allies to make risky concessions to socialists, sometimes leading to the overthrow of pro-West leaders and their replacement with outright enemies of the U.S.

Betraying an ally

A major recipient of State Department pressure is Israel. In the early days of modern Israel's short history, the ruling coalitions were dominated by the socialist Workers' Party (later merged into the Labor Party). A religious resurgence, combined with frustration with the Labor Party for providing 30,000 PLO operatives with money, weapons, and land inside Israel, led to that party's decimation and the installation of a coalition of religious and secular conservative parties. 

This new, more conservative coalition is facing extraordinary pressure from the Biden administration to concede to Israeli Leftists who oppose the new government's plans to rein in activist judges who routinely protect PLO and Hamas operatives, as well as the abandoned buildings they use to murder women and children, as recently covered by Frontline News. The pressure aligns with the State Department's overarching strategy promoting the “two-state solution" despite the extraordinary security risks that “solution” poses to Israel. 

The Palestinian Authority (PA), a PLO subsidiary which the State Department wants to control the new state, has, in fact, made unambiguous statements that the new state will be used as a launching pad to destroy the remaining part of Israel: 

The goal of this stage is the establishment of the independent Palestinian State, with its capital in Jerusalem . . . Every Palestinian must know clearly and unequivocally that the independent Palestinian State, with Jerusalem as its capital, is not the end of the road. The Palestinian State is a stage after which there will be another stage, and that is the democratic state in all of Palestine (i.e. replacing Israel).

Betrayal of America

The State Department's support for a PLO state comes despite the fact that, under State Department pressure, Israel already allowed the PLO to create an independent entity in the Gaza Strip. Subsequently, the PLO allegedly lost control of the area to the anti-American Hamas (an Arabic acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement”). In reality, the power transfer during street battles, lasting just 6 days, means little, even if it truly took place, as many PLO members also serve as Hamas officials. Sheik Ahmad Bahr, for example, served as both the deputy speaker of the PLO's Palestinian Legislative Council and also as a top Hamas official. In these capacities, Bahr demonstrated both groups' hatred for the U.S. on official Hamas television praying, “Oh, Allah, destroy the Americans and their supporters. . . . Oh, Allah, count them one by one, and kill them all, without leaving a single one.”

The State Department has thus already succeeded in creating a second state within Israel's former borders and is now effectively pushing for a “three-state solution,” advocating the creation of an anti-American PLO state on the West Bank of the Jordan River (historically known as Judea and Samaria) that would complement the anti-American Hamas state in the Gaza Strip and threaten to overrun the pro-U.S. State of Israel lying between them.

The State Department maintains its support for the PLO despite its openly anti-West ideology:

  • The PLO was founded by Marxists and KGB agents;
  • The Revolutionary Palestinian Communist Party sits on the Executive Committee and all other ruling bodies of the PLO;
  • PLO founding leader Yasir Arafat was a representative at the Communist World Festival of Youth and declared the US to be the PLO’s ultimate enemy;
  • The PLO has acted as a conduit for weapons and training from the Communist Bloc to hundreds of violent, revolutionary groups worldwide and called for murderous attacks on the US; and,
  • The PLO's governing council is dominated by the socialist Fatah and Marxist PFLP parties.

Aid as pressure

Israel was the biggest recipient of U.S. foreign aid, recently surpassing $3 billion annually, until dwarfed in 2022 by $113 billion in approved aid to Ukraine. Interestingly, the State Department took quite the opposite approach with Israel before 1967, imposing an arms embargo on the fledgling state and eventually providing military aid amounting to just $7 million in 1967, despite all-out invasions of Israel by her neighbors, in 1948 and 1967, which threatened to annihilate the pro-U.S. nation. 

That all changed in the aftermath of the 1967 Six-Day War, when Israel not only fought off invading armies but took possession of the surrounding mountainous regions in the West Bank and Golan Heights. Before that war, Israel did not possess any lands it could be pressured to concede; the State Department largely ignored Israel, other than to pressure the country in the midst of wars to agree to ill-timed ceasefires allowing her enemies to resupply and resume attacks when it best suited them.

Aid to Israel ballooned after 1967 into billions of dollars as the State Department concomitantly began pressuring Israel to give away the newly acquired high grounds that the PLO hopes to use to launch an assault on Israel. In fact, the PLO, which stands for the Palestine Liberation Organization, was founded in 1964, when Israel did not possess any part of the West Bank or Gaza, leaving no ambiguity about their intention to "liberate" Tel Aviv, Haifa and every other part of pre-1967 Israel.

The way out

One Israeli politician taking the State Department to task for its pressure on his nation is former Knesset Member Moshe Feiglin. He advocates turning down US aid, and the pressure that comes with it, in a move that could potentially save his nation from destruction.

"I’m totally against this [US foreign] aid [to Israel]. It cannot be [accepted] when, first of all, the Americans are standing in line like two or three miles in the snow to get a job. To get any kind of aid from America when, economically, we are in a much, much better position doesn’t look moral to me . . . .

I one hundred percent agree [with Ron Paul’s statement that the aid is being used, “to obtain leverage over the Israeli government when Israel should be thinking about its own interests rather than what Washington thinks”].

Pro-West leaders hoping to avoid Marxist revolutions could not only refuse American foreign aid, they could publicly explain why they are doing so, bringing the issue of the State Department's betrayal of US allies directly to Americans who may not be aware of how their tax dollars are being used.

Not just Israel

Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, who worked to keep the anti-West Muslim Brotherhood out of power, was told by Barack Obama to resign during protests led in part by the that very group.

The pro-West Shah of Iran commented, “You cannot imagine the pressure the Americans [during the Carter administration] were putting on me,” to resign during communist-inspired protests. 

George Marshall was promoted to Secretary of State after he pressured the pro-West leader of China, Chiang Kai-shek, to allow communist insurgents into his government (while Marshall's weapons embargo on Kai-shek led to the dumping of weapons earmarked for his defense forces into the Indian Ocean). 

Check back to learn more about those betrayals and the lessons for America's allies today.

See our previous articles on the US pressuring Israel to make risky concessions:

Israel pushes back against Biden; moves to reign in activist judges

Biden sides with socialists; pressures Israel to protect activist judges