Startup releases particles into air to 'fight climate change’

A startup company named Make Sunsets says it has released sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere to fight global warming, according to MIT Technology Review. The sulfur particles were likely released through specialized balloons which were calculated to burst under atmospheric pressure, though the balloons were not monitored to track their progress. 

The practice of geoengineering, or manipulating Earth’s natural systems to fight “climate change,” is a controversial one even among environmental scientists who say Make Sunset’s actions “underscore the urgent need to establish broad-based oversight and clear rules for responsible research in geoengineering and help determine whether or under what conditions there should be a social license to move forward with experiments or beyond.” 

But while Make Sunsets CEO Luke Iseman appears to acknowledge that his initiative was provocative, it is his moral duty to take action due to the imminent Armageddon of climate change. 

“It’s morally wrong, in my opinion, for us not to be doing this,” he told Technology Review. 

Iseman also admits his company is “partly a cult.” 

“We joke slash not joke that this is partly a company and partly a cult,” he said. 

But Make Sunsets is not the only cult trying to geoengineer the weather. 

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has proposed blocking out the sun and spraying aerosols into the atmosphere to fight climate change, according to a TikTok video released earlier this year by the globalist organization.  

“MIT scientists say ‘space bubbles’ could help reverse climate change by reflecting the Sun’s heat away from Earth,” the video begins. “Scientists say cutting out just 1.8% of the Sun’s rays would fully reverse global warming.”  

“The bubbles would be manufactured in space by robots. They would form a ‘raft’ about the size of Brazil. This would be placed at a Lagrange point,” the WEF continues. “That is, a point in space where the Sun and Earth’s gravity balance each other out. This would keep the raft fixed in position.”  

“This kind of large-scale physical solution to climate change is called geoengineering. 

“Several such ideas have been proposed, from spraying aerosols into the upper atmosphere to churning up tiny bubbles on the ocean’s surface, all with the aim of reflecting solar radiation back into space.”