Stacey Abrams remains unmasked while surrounded by masked children

In yet another case of “Rules for thee, but not for me”, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams was recently photographed unmasked while surrounded by children who were forced to wear masks. 

The former Georgia State representative had visited Glennwood Elementary School to kick off the read-in for Black History Month. Abrams posed with the children for a photograph, which shows a smiling, unmasked Abrams and more than 30 masked children. Abrams shared the photo in a now-deleted tweet. 

In December, Georgia Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms signed into law a sweeping mask mandate which requires wearing a mask indoors at all times, resulting in children wearing masks for the entire school day. 

In September, Abrams tweeted, “Wear masks. Get vaccinated. Support healthcare workers w/more than rhetoric. Do right.” 

But when Abrams faced backlash for the photo, she blamed her opponents.  

“It is shameful that our opponents are using a Black History Month reading event for Georgia children as the impetus for a false political attack, and it is pitiful and predictable that our opponents continue to look for opportunities to distract from their failed records when it comes to protecting public health during the pandemic,” Abrams’ campaign said in a statement. 

“This pathetic, transparent and silly attack is beneath anyone who claims he wants to lead Georgia,” the campaign later added. 

It is still unclear what Abrams’ campaign meant when it said “false political attack”, given that a genuine photograph was taken. 

Many were quick to point out that Abrams' obesity places her particularly at risk for COVID-19, and yet she is not wearing a mask. 

“Stacey Abrams, who is obese and in the high risk category, not wearing a mask while children, who are in the lowest risk category, are all masked just about sums this whole pandemic up,” tweeted strategist Caleb Hull. 

“So they have no explanation for why the indefensible masking of children persists while the non-Governor of Georgia—who is more at risk than the kids—gets to breathe freely,” wrote Benjamin Weingarten of RealClear Investigations. 

“Did she have an invisible mask on? Did someone rip her mask off? Is this photo-shopped? Given her obesity and the co-morbidity concerns with COVID shouldn’t be the one with mask on?” asked political consultant Chris Barton. 

“It’s not that Abrams chose not to wear a mask. It’s that those kids and their families are denied the opportunity to make the same choice,” said former Education Secretary Betsy DaVos. 

Abrams is only the latest in a long line of politicians who have flouted mandates while everyday citizens are forced to comply. 

Last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti were photographed maskless at a California stadium as they rubbed elbows with celebrities such as Magic Johnson. 

After being met with backlash, Newsom simply lied and said he only took the mask off for the photograph, and Garcetti claimed he held his breath for the photo. 

Children, however, must wear masks all day in school as per California law, which they are now protesting en masse