Speaker McCarthy addresses secret, men-only idol worshiping society at Bohemian Grove

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has a new speaking role to add to his resumé — addressing the corporate leaders and government officials of the Bohemian Club during their secretive summer gathering in California's Bohemian Grove. The program includes an idol worshiping ceremony in which chanting men in robes and hoods sacrifice the effigy of a person to a 40-foot-tall stone idol in the shape of an owl.  

No big deal

Politico, which matter-of-factly reported that McCarthy shared his thoughts about the presidential race, and his belief that former President Trump stands a good chance to win the Republican nomination, noted that the Speaker's office did not respond to their request for a comment about his appearance. 

Politico's article, “What McCarthy said at Bohemian Grove” though, failed to question why the most powerful member of Congress was participating in a spectacle which it described as "the super-secret annual gathering in northern California known as Bohemian Grove. It’s a males-only event where phones and photos are banned and guests are strictly forbidden from discussing who’s there and what was said, including whether or not the event really ends with ‘a ritual that involves a human effigy and the burning of a giant sacrificial owl.’”

Just worshiping idols

Despite questioning the validity of claims about the ceremony, Politico linked to an SFGATE article from June that included an image of the idol worshiping ceremony as the article's feature picture with the caption, “The burning of the owl at Bohemian Grove.”

SFGATE, like Politico, still described the sacrificial burning of a human effigy as merely “rumored” to take place, while focusing on employee complaints of “a litany of unlawful labor practices at Bohemian Grove, including ‘nonstop’ 16-hour work days, during which employees were not provided bathroom and lunch breaks and a failure to pay minimum wage and overtime.” 

Interestingly, both articles ignore evidence from secret footage of the very ceremony they question which Alex Jones had filmed when he infiltrated the camp site. That video even shows the program (1:18:44) for the July 15, 2000, ceremony, referred to by club members as “The Cremation of Care.” 

The hidden camera also captured the chanting (1:01:09) as well as the pyrotechnics and burning of the effigy (1:24:18). 

The chant started out, as it does each summer, with a conciliatory message to the owl-shaped idol surrounded by robed and hooded men.

The Owl is in his leafy temple. 

Let all within the grove be reverent before him. 

Lift up your heads oh ye trees and be lifted up ye everlasting spires, 

for behold here is Bohemia’s shrine, and holy are the pillars of this house.

The accuracy of the footage was attested to by club members themselves, as reported by the Washington Post.

The club is so hush-hush that little can be definitively said about it, but much of what we know today is from those who have infiltrated the camp, including Texas-based filmmaker Alex Jones. In 2000, Jones and his cameraman entered the camp with a hidden camera and were able to film a Bohemian Grove ceremony, Cremation of the Care. During the ceremony, members wear costumes and cremate a coffin effigy called "Care" before a 40-foot-owl, in deference to the surrounding Redwood trees.

Bohemian Grove’s spokesperson calls the ceremony “a traditional musical drama celebrating nature and summertime.” The spokesperson also said that while Jones’ comments are inaccurate, the footage is real. [Emphases added].

Who's who?

The Washington Post entitled its piece, “Bohemian Grove: Where the rich and powerful go to misbehave.” How rich and powerful? The most powerful, and if someone isn't already at the top, the club can put him there, according to social media influencer and author Mark Dice.

While Dice used President Nixon's rise to the presidency as an example, he also cites the Bushes. History Collection describes the below picture of the Bushes together as a Bohemian Grove lakeside talk delivered by the younger President Bush with his father looking on.

The list of future presidents joining the Grove doesn't end there. Ronald Reagan is pictured here.

While Gerald Ford is seen in this photo. 

Real sacrifices?

Jones, in his commentary accompanying his undercover video, questions whether merely an effigy is sacrificed, as opposed to an actual person, noting that the darkness makes it difficult to discern what exactly is being burned. Dice, in his book The Bohemian Grove Facts and Fiction, details widespread nudity and prostitution and even unproven claims of ritual abuse and murder at the Bohemian Grove (pp. 42-46), but not at the “Cremation of Care” ceremony.

Instead, Dice provides an image obtained from Chris Jones (no relation to Alex Jones) who infiltrated the Bohemian Grove as an employee and says the picture, which he took, shows a metal skeleton (1:47) left over after the ritual burning destroyed the papier-mâché and newspaper that surrounded it at the ceremony's onset.

The wise owl

The identification of the sacrifice as an effigy begs the question: why burn even a resemblance of a person in a ceremonial idol sacrifice? According to Luis Miguel of The New American, the effigy is of a child and the owl, “specifically known as the Owl of Minerva, was an emblem used by the historical Bavarian Illuminati in their 'Minerval' degree.” The Bohemian Club would thus be identifying itself as a continuation of the revolutionary Illuminati, which placed the Owl of Minerva as a symbol of illumination and wisdom on the front page of its guiding document, authored by the founder of the Illuminati, entitled, “The Revised Illuminati System with all its Institutions and Degrees.”

The owl, in turn, received its reputation of wisdom from Greek and Roman mythology, establishing the pagan roots of the Illuminati, a secret organization credited with pioneering the implementation of a “'people’s revolution' [which] primarily victimized its alleged beneficiaries."

All this begs the question, why would those desiring to lead a nation based on Judeo-Christian values want to join or even associate with secret societies tied to revolutionary movements and pagan beliefs?

Who's behind the secret societies?

Alex Newman, in a separate article for The New American, decribes the extensive overlap between various secret societies.

The membership lists of these secret societies, then, include many of the most powerful people in America and the world. There is also an astounding degree of overlap between the truly secret societies such as Skull and Bones and the Bohemian Grove, and the secretive but public outfits that make up this Deep State behind the Deep State described here. 

Indeed, when a powerful White House advisor was forced to quit his membership in secret societies, he needed to quit quite a number of them, as reported by the Washington Post:

White House counselor David R. Gergen reversed himself yesterday and announced that he was resigning from the all-male Bohemian Club … Gergen's resignation was part of his across-the-board decision to quit 17 organizations, a list that also included … the Trilateral Commission. [Emphases added].

Dice adds that the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations were also among the 17 groups to which Gergen belonged (p. 20). Newman notes that even this web of overlapping memberships may only represent the outer layer of the secret society fabric, as such groups are not completely secret, guarding the contents of their meetings but not their existence. Thus, smaller, unknown secret societies may hold sway over more open ones with published membership lists and even websites. Those more open societies may in turn hold sway over deep state actors in the government, who in turn enact freedom-limiting policies regardless of which party wins elections. Newman continues:

Beyond those secret and non-secret organizations that make up the Deep State behind the Deep State, there are almost certainly other cabals of totalitarian-minded globalists whose names and even members remain largely unknown to the public. Indeed, there are likely secret societies that are so secret they and their leaders remain virtually unknown to any non-members. [Emphasis added].

‘Cremating care’ about constituents?

The Washington Post article noted the high level of government officials joining the Bohemian Grove:

The club brings together leaders of government, industry and the media in its Bohemian Grove outside San Francisco for a 16-day encampment each summer. Every Republican president since Calvin Coolidge has been a member, and members during previous administrations included a long list of Cabinet members, including Secretaries of State Alexander M. Haig, George P. Shultz and James A. Baker III, Defense Secretaries Caspar W. Weinberger and Richard B. Cheney; and Treasury Secretary Nicholas F. Brady. [Emphases added].

Democrats, including Jimmy Carter, have joined the Club as well, making the “Cremation of Care” ceremony that much more ominous. Which “care” from the world outside of the Grove is being burned to destruction? “Care” about the customers and constituents of the participating corporate executives and government officials? Could the people we have entrusted with protecting society from the likes of Jeffrey Epstein have already cremated their “care” for society?

Counterpunch describes what replaces “care” in the rite. 

Amid somber music, horses carrying caped riders gallop through the trees. Then, eerily picked out by torchlight, robed tycoons move slowly into a clearing with a bier supporting the effigy of Care. Amid stentorian chants, a blare of music and leaping flames, Care is finally cremated. In its place the flame of eternal friendship is ignited and three weeks of Bohodom are underway. [Emphasis added].

That is, “care” is not entirely destroyed, as it is preserved for fellow club members, that is, for their “eternal friends.”

“Cremation of Care” in action

What does the destruction of “care” look like? Perhaps it looks like a policeman defector from East Germany bleeding to death outside the locked doors of the U.S. Embassy after being refused entry . In charge of the embassy was Rozanne Ridgway, whose Wikipedia entry lists as a member of the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations. Ridgway was later promoted by “eternal friends” to the third highest position in the State Department. Mordechai Sones, while at Arutz Sheva summarized the “moral” of the story.

Many patriotic Americans found such performance within the Reagan administration inexplicable, until someone in Washington clarified the phenomenon by stating “Ridgway’s Law”: When forced into having to choose between loyalty to a principle and loyalty to a source of power, a career bureaucrat will sacrifice principle and remain loyal to his source of power

Loyalty will be measured by how successfully s/he can remain unmoved by human concerns. Such as the abandonment of innocents to death.

Check back for the next article in our series on the occult and see our previous articles on secret societies:

History Collection describes this Wikipedia photo as, “The Owl Shrine covered in moss, standing among trees behind a stage at one edge of a man-made pond.” Other photos on their page show Grove participants dressed as butterflies and others meeting in the Club's San Francisco headquarters.