‘Sound of Freedom’ hero says child traffickers, ‘woke Left’ share same playbook

Former federal agent Tim Ballard last month explained how pedophile networks and the “woke Left” — particularly gender totalitarians — use the same playbook to achieve their goals.

Ballard, a former Homeland Security agent, was the inspiration for the hit film Sound of Freedom which depicts his efforts to liberate children from pedophile rings around the world.

In an interview with Tyler O’Neill and Sound of Freedom star Jim Caviezel who plays Ballard in the film, Ballard revealed the strategy used by child traffickers. By studying their literature, he discovered the doctrines they had developed, which he says was akin to a political platform.

“I called them, ‘The pedophile network doctrines’,” he said. “They include things like: separate children from parents because parents are a bad influence, the state knows best; sexualize kids, let them see pornography; take God out of education because that just gets into the way; consent, consent, consent — children can consent to anything. At 12 years old they should be able to vote, they should be able to do anything.”

In April, a report endorsed by the United Nations claimed that children can indeed consent to sexual relationships despite age of consent laws.

Ballard said that the very agenda he risked his life to fight is now being pushed into mainstream culture by Leftism.

“Now, what am I saying here? My stomach is getting sick as I’m reading this, I read this every day — it’s the Woke Left agenda. I’m not saying they’re colluding or talking, it doesn’t matter, it’s the same dark source. But pedophiles are sitting back right now saying, ‘We’ve been pushing this agenda for decades and now we don’t have to push anymore because the Left is taking care of it for us in America.’”

Essential to that agenda is gender disorientation, which is being forced on children in the form of indoctrination and even genital mutilation.

“And this whole trans voice on children,” Ballard went on. “You know, again, I’m Libertarian: adults, do whatever you want. I’ll fight for your right to do whatever you want in terms of adults. I’m talking about children. And what they are saying is that children can consent to having their bodies filled with a chemical that will destroy their reproductive system. They can consent to ripping apart their genitalia. This is insanity, in and of itself it is horrible, but what it will lead to is what the pedophiles have been asking for. If you can consent to that, guess what? What’s more fluid than gender? AGE."