Soros-backed D.A. retains seat after massive petition signatures rejection

Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón will retain his position despite a large recall effort after a large number of the petition signatures were rejected as invalid by the county. 

Gascón, who is backed by billionaire George Soros, triggered the recall campaign after allowing crime to run rampant and widespread in the county. Some of Gascón’s policies include treating 13 crimes – including trespassing and resisting arrest – as misdemeanors and treating repeated offenders as first-time offenders. Lawlessness has become so pervasive in Los Angeles that 98% of Gascón’s own line prosecutors supported the recall effort. 

In order for the recall effort to go to ballot, it would have had to procure 566,857 petition signatures to oust the DA. The number of signatures submitted to the county registrar by the Recall DA George Gascón campaign totaled 715,833. 

But after examining the signatures, Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Dean C. Logan declared 195,783 to be invalid, Fox News reported Monday, resulting in a 27.3% rejection rate. 

"Based on the examination and verification, which conducted in compliance with the statutory and regulatory requirements of the California Government Code, Elections Code, and Code of Regulations, 520,050 signatures were found to be valid and 195,783 were found to be invalid," Logan’s office said in a statement

To put the 27.3% rejection rate into perspective, Los Angeles County’s rejection rate of absentee ballots in the 2020 presidential election was 0.6%, according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The State of California’s rejection rate also held at 0.6% according to data from Ballotpedia, a 1.3% decrease from 2018. 

The national average rejection rate was reported 0.8%. 

“Of the invalid signatures, more than 88,000 were not registered, 43,593 were duplicates, 32,187 were a different address, 9,490 were mismatched signatures, 7,344 were canceled, 5,374 were out of county addresses, while more than 9,300 fell under the category of ‘other’,” reported Fox on the Gascón recall petitions.

The campaign to unseat Gascón follows the historic recall in June of San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin, who was also funded by George Soros. 

Another recall of a Soros-backed prosecutor would likely be seen as a crushing indictment against the far-Left billionaire activist, who has invested $40 million installing 75 district attorneys across the country who in turn are responsible for an estimated 40% of crime in the United States.