Societal decay in consequence of government tyranny - drag queens, drugs, alcohol, sex toys, dead body, hidden children

An extraordinary case of child abuse is being kept off the national news in what one Twitter user is describing as “the most underreported story.”

The most underreported story in Boston right now is the fact that over the weekend first responders were called to a public housing complex in South Boston for a man in cardiac arrest and found a horrifying scene filled with men in drag and at least 5 children between the ages of 5-10. 

Government actions may be contributing to the societal decay covered locally by the Boston Herald. City Councilor Michael Flaherty was quoted describing the crime scene.

This is sickening. I was informed by people at the scene that there were drugs, alcohol, sex toys all around the apartment as well as a dead body on the floor.

Government to the rescue?

Council President Ed Flynn called for more government oversight as the way to prevent a repeat of the crime, pointing to the fact that the acts took place on government property, in an apartment controlled by the Boston Housing Authority (BHA).

This underscores the need for oversight into BHA inspections and eviction practices, security efforts in developments and protocols to ensure children are safe in every BHA apartment.

Flynn apparently did not entertain the possibility that big government was not the cure but the cause of the depravity, having failed to note any of the government actions which may have contributed to the social decay witnessed by the fire fighters, such as:

  • Prohibiting even non-denominational prayers and references to God in government schools,
  • Requiring the teaching of non-directed evolution in government schools,
  • Incentivizing single-mother homes,
  • Incentivizing the removal of children from their parents, and,
  • Incentivizing government housing.

The first two actions decrease the chance that people will avoid criminal behavior for fear of being watched “from above” (and there aren't enough police to make one feel that they're constantly watched from below). The next two cases of government interference remove one or both natural protectors of children from the home more often than would be case naturally (and growing up without two parents is strongly linked to criminal behavior). The last government policy listed increases the feeling of anonymity among neighbors through population density and high apartment turnover (such that even next door neighbors may not even know each other's names). 

Perhaps all of these factors played a role in this grisly crime scene, but until the government releases additional information one can only guess. Regardless of the details of this particular case, though, these government policies have been adopted in defiance of the will of the electorate, as in any tyrannical regime. The predictable societal decay that resulted was not long in coming.

Dirty, dangerous, disturbing

The children were found in “extremely unsanitary” conditions.

[A]ccording to the incident report, firefighters found more than just a routine medical emergency.

“The apartment was in extremely unsanitary conditions. Approximately 6 adults, who appeared to be males, were seen in the apartment,” they wrote, saying they subsequently found “four children in the back bedroom being hidden by an adult male from first responders.”

The cross-dressing men were using sex toys and drugs in the presence of the children.

Flaherty, Public Safety chairman on the council, told the Herald Monday night the dead body found on the floor was “from an apparent overdose” and that “a man wearing a wig claiming to be the father” of the kids was found in a back bedroom.

Multiple sources tell the Herald some of the adults were dressed as women when first responders arrived at the scene.

Officials asked the adults to provide information about the identities of the children in order to protect the minors from further abuse. Each of the so-called drag queens refused.

According to the incident report the children ranged from ages 5 to 10. “All of the adult parties were being uncooperative and did not provide helpful information. All adults present denied having children inside the apartment,” they wrote.

Additional politicians weighed in on the “inhumane and horrific” conditions to which “no child should be exposed.”

State Sen. Nick Collins, a South Boston Democrat, praised the police, firefighters and EMTs who rushed to help.

“Our first responders should be commended for following through and fulfilling their duty as mandatory reporters,” Collins said, citing how they are legally bound to report children in potential danger. “No child should be exposed to what these children were allegedly exposed to.” 

Council President Ed Flynn, also a Southie pol, ripped the “inhumane and horrific” discovery at a Boston Housing Authority (BHA) unit.

Under a lid

Police generally provide updates about high profile and shocking crimes. In this case, the Herald was denied information even though all the suspects were found at the scene. 

No charges or identities of the occupants of the public housing unit have been provided to the Herald . . .

A follow up report by the Herald again fails to identify the perpetrators of the drug crimes and the endangerment of children offenses, but does confirm that each of the children hidden in the apartment have been taken into state custody. Still, no charges were announced, "as officials investigate why [the children] were in the presence of alcohol, drugs, and sex toys.” 

Even the man who died at the scene has not been identified. Boston 25 carried the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office's remarks. 

We’re aware of the incident and the investigation and will appropriately prosecute any arrests that result. At this moment, no charges have been issued.

Obstruction of justice?

J6 defendants charged with obstruction for walking through the Capitol might be surprised to learn that drag queens blocking first responders from rescuing victims of child abuse have not, for now, been charged with that crime.

PJ Media added facts that Boston City Councilor Erin Murphy uncovered after speaking with the firefighters who found the children.

There was hoarding, a lot of uncleanliness in the apartment. Lots of sex toys and drug paraphernalia all over the place.

One of the firefighters heard what they thought was a child’s voice calling for help. 

[After some of the men attempted to stop the firefighters from finding the children, when one of the firemen] opened the door, he saw four children and what I believe are two adults in the back room, and it was really disturbing to him and they just seemed scared.

News blackout

While it's difficult to keep shocking crimes out of local news, the gatekeepers of the national news networks often declare crime stories which do not fit the “accepted narrative” to be a local story not of national interest. PJ Media hypothesized on what those gatekeepers would have done had the perpetrators of the child abuse in Boston been conservatives.

Don’t expect the Boston children’s story to get a lot of love from the mainstream media. They don’t want you to know about this sort of thing. Their only purpose is to promote woke narratives and suppress any news that exposes the dark side of their ideology. Here are some other horrifying stories my PJ Media colleagues have dragged up into the sunlight:

These transgender activists who communicate with minors online and try to lure them from their families

This gay married couple caught raping and pimping their adopted special needs boys

This 12-year-old girl who was raped by an older boy who was allowed in the school girls’ bathroom

There are more, but you get the idea. Any one of these hideous crimes, if committed by someone in a MAGA hat or at a Catholic school, would be front-page prime-time news for days. 

PC danger

Some see political correctness (PC) as a major catalyst in the increasing dangers facing children in the West. J. Rivkah Asoulin, founder of Ancient Roots Mothering: Roots, Nettles and Sage, in an exclusive statement to Frontline News, explains how PC leads to dangerous situations for children being not only acceptable but beyond reproach.

Parents used to be able to identify a child predator. . . . But PC neutrality seems to change the narrative that men who dress up as women to simulate sex acts for other men are benevolent mother figures here to help children and society.

Read our previous articles on underreported crimes that fail to fit the “accepted narrative”: 

  1. Media downplay 'same-sex couple' rape, pimping adopted boys
  2. Child 'Protective Services': Single man allowed to adopt 9 boys despite felony sex abuse charge; rapes, tortures them