Social media platform now bans users for what they say off-platform

A social media platform will now ban users for things they say outside of the platform. 

Patreon, a site that allows content creators to be paid directly by their patrons, notified popular conservative commentator Sydney Watson that they were removing her account. 

The reason, according to Patreon, is that Watson's “content propagated what we consider to be negative stereotypes or segregationally content towards a protected community.” 

The problem is, Watson had not created any content on Patreon. 

“I never actually post[s] anything on Patreon itself, which means they're banning me purely based on what I've said on other platforms,” TheBlazeTV host tweeted. “And even then, reading through their guidelines, I haven't done a single thing listed.” 

But the platform explained that complication. 

“When reviewing, we take into consideration the content shared on Patreon as well as any activity taking place outside our platform.” 

But Patreon goes one step further. 

When Patreon suspended HighImpactFlix in February for “COVID-19 medical misinformation”, they demanded that he remove his content on other platforms before they would reinstate his account. 

“Following our policy update concerning medical misinformation, Patreon can no longer support accounts that repeatedly use unfounded or debunked theories to argue against broadly supported public health measures on COVID-19,” wrote Reye from Patreon. 

“I took a look and reviewed your creator page today. In order to bring your page back within our guidelines, kindly review and remove any and all content that advances COVID-19 medical misinformation.” 

That’s when HighImpactFlix was told he must watch what he says on the internet. 

“Additionally, since our guidelines extend to any projects that you fund via Patreon, this means that online content linked to your creator page is subject to our guidelines.” 

Reye then included some links to HighImpactFlix’s content elsewhere on the World Wide Web that he can “fix” if he wants his Patreon account reinstated. 

Social media users are outraged at the overreaching policy. 

“Banning people for things they do off platform,” said Rubin Report host Dave Rubin in response to Watson. “Think of the insane ways this could go haywire. Patreon has been doing this for years and it was one of the reasons I created @onlocals.” 

“Seems that Patreon has banned two high-profile creators off their website today, @JoshLekach and @SydneyLWatson. Wretched move, reeks of another conservative purge. I'm sure this won't be the end of it. Going to monitor this closely,” said another user. 

“Hello @Patreon stop asking me to come back,” tweeted another user. “Not unless you bring everyone back you've banned. Including @SydneyLWatsonJust in case you didn't see my e-mail response. Go FUCK yourself.” 

“Heard Sydney Watson got her patreon taken down for hate speech,” wrote another netizen. “Such bs. They just don't like that she has her own opinions and goes against the msm narrative. That's why they came after her. Keep speaking the truth Sydney I support you and what you are doing.”