Canada police laugh about trampling protesters

A recent WhatsApp chat between members of the Royal Canadian Mounties Police (RCMP) has been leaked, as reported by Rebel News

The chat, titled “Social Musical Ride 2022”, shows a shocking conversation between the police officers. 

One policeman named Andrew Nixon wrote in the group, “Time for the protesters to hear our jackboots on the ground,” referring to the jackboots famously worn by Nazi troops. 

Another policeman responded, “Wowowowo Nixon, this is a kinder gentler RCMP.” 

“Okay we can give out free hugs and unicorn stickers,” replied Nixon sarcastically, showing no remorse. 

Then, the police officers proceeded to laugh about an incident yesterday in which Canadian police rode horses into a crowd of protesters trampling two people, one of them an elderly woman with a walking device. A video of the incident has since gone viral. 

“Just watched that horse video,” a policewoman named Marca wrote in the chat. “That is awesome!!!!” 

“We should practice that manoeuvre,” she crowed gleefully. 

Then Derek Quilley posted the actual video to the chat. 

“Wow,” wrote Andy Leclair.  

“That’s awesome,” said Scott Peever. 

“We only think we’re living the dream,” wrote Chris Russell. 

“That’s what we need to do!” says Andrew Nixon. 

The Canadian government transitioned from democratic to authoritarian last week after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau used the Emergencies Act to suspend individual freedom. Trudeau has since forbidden protesting and has begun seizing financial accounts and funds belonging to anyone connected to the anti-mandate freedom protests. 

When asked about this, Canadian Justice Minister David Lametti said that if you hold the wrong political view, you should be worried about your funds being seized, as reported by AFLDS Frontline News

“If you are a member of a pro-Trump movement who is donating hundreds of thousands of dollars, and millions of dollars to this kind of thing, then you ought to be worried,” said Lametti on CTV News

Today, AFLDS Frontline News also reported on a journalist from Rebel News who drew Trudeau’s ire last year by questioning his vaccine mandates. The journalist was beaten by Canadian police yesterday and shot in the leg with a gas canister at point-blank range.