Secret elite idol-worshipping group scrambles to scrub footage from internet

A secretive elite group called the Bohemian Club is scrambling to scrub footage of its annual ceremony from the internet.

Users who uploaded the footage to YouTube found that it was removed by the tech giant, which warned the users that they had received a strike for violating copyright rules.

What Is the Bohemian Club?

The Bohemian Club was founded in 1872 in San Francisco by a group of journalists. For over 150 years, the little that is known about the group has seeped out despite its members’ vow to secrecy. Club rules include a ban on electronic devices at meetings and a standing gag order on all attendees.

But some information about the group and its rituals have made it to the public fore in recent years.

Every summer, the world’s most powerful men descend on Bohemian Grove, a 2,700-acre forest property in Monte Rio, California. Rare photos of past meetings show US presidents among the attendees, including Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, George W Bush and George HW Bush, along with other politicians such as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Last year, The Gold Report reported that then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy addressed the group. 

According to Vanity Fair, Fortune 500 executives — including board members of Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Halliburton — have attended the mysterious all-male Bohemian Grove gatherings. Academics and celebrities have also been known to make appearances, including Mark Twain, Jack London, Steve Miller, and members of the legendary rock band The Grateful Dead.

It was reportedly at Bohemian Grove where Robert Oppenheimer first discussed the Manhattan Project and where the decision to launch Richard Nixon’s campaign was made.

Each member is assigned to one of several camps, which include the elite Mandalay camp, the Hill Billies, Derelicts, Poison Oak, Rattlers, and Easy Pieces.

Membership carries a one-time fee of $25,000 and a $5,000 annual fee thereafter, with wait times of up to 15 years.

The Cremation of the Care Ritual

Guests at Bohemian Grove participate in a bizarre idol-worshiping ritual called Cremation of the Care, details of which first became known thanks to journalist Alex Jones, who infiltrated the ceremony in 2000 and recorded it with a hidden camera. The Washington Post later confirmed that Jones’ footage was authentic.

Videos taken by Jones and other investigative journalists show attendees dressed in robes marching in a procession to a towering 40-foot wooden owl, in front of which a coffin called “Care” is burned as a sacrifice. As members stand holding torches, a speaker offers a prayer to the owl:

The Owl is in his leafy temple. Let all within the grove be reverent before him. Lift up your heads oh ye trees and be lifted up ye everlasting spires, for behold here is Bohemia’s shrine, and holy are the pillars of this house.… We shall read the sign. Midsummer sets us free! Ye shall burn me once again! Not with these flames! Which hither ye have brought from regions where I reign. Ye fools and priests, I spit upon your fire! O Owl! Prince of all mortal wisdom, Owl of Bohemia, we beseech thee, grant us thy counsel.… O Great Owl of Bohemia! We thank thee for thy adjuration. Be gone detested care! Be gone! Once more, we banish thee! Be gone dull care! Fire should have its will of thee! Be gone dull care! And all the winds make merry with thy dust. Hail, fellowship’s eternal flame! Once again, Midsummer sets us free!

Investigative journalist Chris Jones, who also infiltrated the Bohemian Grove, says that the coffin is a papier-mâché apparatus which, when burned away, reveals a metal human skeleton underneath.

Luis Miguel for The New American reported that the owl may have its roots in the Owl of Minerva, an emblem of the Bavarian Illuminati. Author and former John Birch Society CEO Art Thompson argues that the Bohemian Club is an offshoot of the Illuminati, which George Washington and Winston Churchill warned against.


Some reports of homosexual behavior at Bohemian Grove have circulated. According to Vanity Fair, Nixon once described the summit as “the most faggy g*ddamned thing you could ever imagine.” Another member remarked that “[s]ometimes the homoerotic themes can get weird.”

Prostitution, abuse, and murder?

In his book “The Bohemian Grove Facts and Fiction,” Mark Dice says that in addition to the Cremation of the Care ceremony, there is widespread nudity, prostitution, ritual abuse, and even murder at Bohemian Grove.