Saudi Arabia TV mocks 'Biden administration'

The “Biden administration” has inspired a new comedy skit from Saudi Arabia going viral which mocks Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. It is the first time the Islamic country has so publicly mocked a U.S. administration. 

The video shows a presidential podium flanked by American flags. A man playing Joe Biden waves to reporters and begins shuffling off stage while “Kamala Harris”, played by a man in drag wearing Harris’ signature drab brown suit, runs to grab Biden and direct him back to the podium. 

“Biden” then gives an address, peppered with sudden bouts of narcolepsy and dementia, which have become hallmarks of Biden’s speeches. 

“Thank you very much,” the man playing Biden said. “Today, we’re going to talk about the crisis in Spain.” Kamala Harris then whispers in his ear. “Yeah, we’re going to talk about the crisis in Africa,” Biden says before being corrected again and saying, “Yeah, Russia. Yeah, Russia.” 

Harris then has to remind Biden of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s name before announcing an “important message,” at which point he falls asleep and begins snoring. 

“And the president of China!” says Biden suddenly after being awakened. 

Again, Biden falls asleep. Harris puppets his body and tells reporters to “clap for the president”. 

Relations between the two countries have been decaying lately due to the Biden administration’s policies. One of those policies is Biden’s pursuit of a nuclear deal with Iran, Saudi Arabia’s archenemy. 

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the U.A.E.’s Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan both declined requests from the White House to set up calls last month. Instead of focusing on domestic oil production, Biden is trying to replace the Russian oil that he has recently embargoed with oil from Iran and Venezuela. 

Saudi Arabia isn't the first to mock the Biden administration in recent days.

According to a report from Breitbart Tuesday, North Korea recently mocked “old man” Joe Biden for his “senility”, calling him “feeble”.