SAN FRANCISCO: Fed-up parents strike back

San Fransico parents and residents voted overwhelmingly yesterday to unseat three city school board members who are accused of using the pandemic to push their own agendas. 

The campaign to recall President Gabriela López, Vice President Faauuga Moliga and Commissioner Alison Collins was launched by parents in January 2021. Lopez, Moliga and Collins were slow to reopen district schools, preferring instead to rename them as part of a very progressive agenda. 

The board members drew up plans and funding to rename 44 district schools, among them Abraham Lincoln High School, because the board members felt Lincoln was racist. That was also the case with George Washington and California Senator Dianne Feinstein. 

Ironically, one of the factors that contributed to yesterday’s landslide vote was Commissioner Collins’ racism. Last year, Collins’ anti-Asian tweets from 2016 resurfaced in which Collins said that she was looking to “combat anti-black racism in the Asian community" at her daughter’s school, among other anti-Asian rhetoric. 

Yesterday, Asian-American parents showed up in droves to vote, some of them voting for the first time in a municipal election. 

Tensions between parents and school boards have been boiling over in the last year, mostly due to the boards’ devotion to masks, which children are forced to wear in class. 

The tension has recently taken a dark, uncivil turn. 

As reported by AFLDS Frontline News this week, the mask enforcer at a Pennsylvania school attacked a parent who was coming to make a public comment at the school board meeting. 

Nathan Liang had a scarf wrapped around his head twice, covering his nose and mouth, but the guard insisted that Liang wear a surgical mask and asked him to step away from the door. Liang barely had a moment to move when the guard was already lunging at him, shoving and punching Liang repeatedly. 

Just the day before, in Webster, New York, parent Dave Calus was physically assaulted at a school board meeting for not wearing a mask. Although other parents were also not wearing masks, the security guard chose Calus.  

And in Chicago this week, Board of Education Member Joel Taub let loose at a parent who had come to make a public comment. The father was wearing no mask and had a medical exemption. 

But not only did Taub not care about the medical exemption, Taub did not care where the father wore his mask – as long as the mask was worn. 

“You can wear the mask on your f****** balls! If you don’t wear the f****** mask, you get the f*** out of here!” shouted Taub in front of the other parents.