SADS' gets sadder as key player in Canada’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout dead at 35

Health Canada’s Director of Parliamentary Affairs Adam Exton died this month at the age of 35, cause of death unknown. The funeral will be held today Tuesday, December 20th

Exton was instrumental in the country’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout which was forced on adults and children above the age of 12. Those who refused the injections were barred from boarding trains, planes or ships. They were also prohibited from entering restaurants, theatres, public places, schools and the country.  

Canada’s COVID-19 response, of which Exton was a part, also included an omnipresent mask mandate. 

“As a young person, Adam became actively involved in politics and had a passion for public service and volunteering in the community,” says Exton’s obituary. “In 2012, Adam won the Ontario Young Liberal Volunteer of the Year Award. He received a degree in political science from the University of Toronto. Adam spent many years working at various levels of government, eventually holding the position of Director of Parliamentary Affairs at Health Canada.  

“During the challenging times of the pandemic, Adam was part of the leadership team that led Canada’s health response to COVID-19. He was a talented and respected campaign manager that was instrumental in helping to bring cabinet ministers and members to Queens Park and Ottawa. Adam always did and will continue to make his family extremely proud of who he was and his service to his community and country.” 

Exton is one of many young casualties of a mysterious new pandemic called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), which kills young, healthy people. Mainstream media have reported on the SADS phenomena and advised those under 40 to get their hearts checked, though the cause remains unknown to media doctors. 

However, that has not stopped news outlets and establishment experts from offering several possible causes, including extremely cold weather, extremely hot weather, the sound of an airplane, physical activity, lack of physical activity, sleeping with the television on, postal codes, air pollution, climate change, gardening, skipping breakfast and shoveling snow.