Richmond officials sell million dollar property to Planned Parenthood for $10

City officials in Richmond, Virginia this week voted to sell a $1.2 million property to Planned Parenthood for $10 instead of using the property to help local schools.

The acre of land, which is situated close to a middle school and contains an abandoned public school building, will be used to house an abortion center for the Virginia League of Planned Parenthood. Richmond already has five abortion centers.

Richmond’s City Council approved the decision despite objections from 40 residents at the city council meeting on Monday night. Only 10 residents arrived to show support for the deal, including a woman with a face mask who bragged about her own abortion, though even she felt the $10 price tag was extremely low.

“Planned Parenthood could probably afford to pay a good deal more,” she said. “By all means, charge for the land.”


Former City Council Member Marty Jewell told the council that according to the law, any surplus of property must be sold to support local education.

“You’re giving away a building for $10? This makes no sense,” he said.

Josh Hetzler, who serves as legal counsel for the Founding Freedoms Law Center, also told the city council members that their decision was unlawful. Citing Richmond City Code Section 8-58, Hetzler said the council must first declare the property a surplus and then consider bids, reports the Daily Wire

“You can’t give a sweetheart deal to a billion-dollar corporation just because you like them. You actually have to give other people in this city an opportunity to bid as well,” Hetzler said.

He continued by saying that the only way to sell a property for such a staggeringly low amount is to declare it a “blighted” property.

“The property, however, has not been designated as ‘blighted’ in any sense,” said Hetzler. “Therefore, the City has no authority whatsoever to sell the property to anyone for a nominal sum.”

“You will likely be sued over this,” he told the council. “Save the city the expense and time and embarrassment, and go through the process as you should by law.”

‘Child sacrifice’

Other residents slammed the council for approving an abortion clinic so close to a school.

“I find it jarring that a clinic such of this is being opened not only in close proximity to my home but where so many children go to school,” said a resident who is 39 weeks pregnant.

Another resident sarcastically praised the city council’s “commitment to child sacrifice.”