RFK Jr compared vaccine mandates to the Holocaust. Here’s why he’s right - Opinion

by Yudi Sherman

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. addressed thousands of attendees at Sunday’s Defeat the Mandates rally in Washington, D.C., which took place to protest COVID-19 regulations such as vaccine mandates. In his remarks about the heavy-handed COVID-19 regulations being meted out by governments, including the Biden administration, RFK Jr. made a reference to the Holocaust.

“Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps into Switzerland, you can hide in the attic like Anne Frank did… Today the mechanisms are being put in place that will make it so none of us can run, none of us can hide,” said Kennedy.

As expected, the media’s pearl-clutching was immediate. “Robert Kennedy Jr: COVID-19 vaccine mandates worse than Holocaust”, screamed the Jerusalem Post. “Robert F Kennedy Jr ‘exploited tragedy’ of Nazism in anti-vax speech”, The Guardian said indignantly. “RFK Jr. utilizes Holocaust analogy in speech to DC anti-vaccine rally”, huffed the Times of Israel.

There was also the usual vilification and demonization, as befit any who oppose the media’s narratives, dismissing RFK Jr as a “conspiracy theorist” who shares “misinformation” and made “an inappropriate reference” to the Holocaust.

Unfortunately, RFK Jr is all too informed, and his reference was all too appropriate.

In a national telephone and online survey conducted by Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports this month, it was revealed that forty-five percent (45%) of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in “designated facilities or locations” if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine. This proposal was opposed by 71% of all voters, including 78% of Republicans and 64% of unaffiliated voters.

“Nearly half (48%) of Democratic voters think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications,” continued the report. “Only 27% of all voters – including just 14% of Republicans and 18% of unaffiliated voters – favor criminal punishment of vaccine critics.”

Perhaps most chilling of all is the finding that 29% – or nearly one-third – of Democratic voters would support the state removing parents’ custody of their children if the parents refused to get vaccinated. 7% of Republican voters and 11% of unaffiliated voters agree.

The correlation to the Holocaust is glaring as it is horrifying. And while the media – comprised mostly of Democratic voters – continue their moral posturing, people like RJK Jr. are only stating the increasingly obvious.