Republicans fire mayor who opposed rainbow flag

Republicans in Rochelle Park, New Jersey last week forced out the town’s mayor after he opposed raising a rainbow flag over city hall.

Mayor Perrin Mosca this month tried to rescind a resolution by the Rochelle Park Township Committee, whose three Republicans and one Democrat voted to allow a rainbow flag to be flown over city hall starting June 1st. According to Mosca, the American flag that was already flying over city hall is sufficiently inclusive and no other flags should be flown alongside it.

Former Rochelle Park Mayor and Municipal Chairman Frank Valenzuela accused Mosca of using his position “to create a negative atmosphere guided by his personal ideals versus what is best for the residents of Rochelle Park.”

Others accused Mosca of threatening those who opposed him and calling his colleagues “not good Catholics”, both of which he categorically denies.

Mosca hurled his own accusations, saying that when he spoke of rescinding the rainbow resolution, Democrat Linda Boniface placed a rainbow flag down in front of her and gave the Nazi salute. In response, Mosca’s wife gave him a Virgin Mary flag to hang on the dais in front of him.

On June 14th, the committee voted 4-0 to remove Mosca from office.

The now-former mayor, a father of six with another on the way, told The National Desk he worries about American children being "overwhelmed" and "indoctrinated" by totalitarian gender ideology and vows to “continue fighting on behalf of the kids”.

Children remain the primary targets of authoritarian gender ideology, though some are beginning to fight back.

Earlier this month, children at a Church of England school were called “despicable” by a teacher after they refused to entertain the notion that there are multiple genders.

According to an audio recording which went viral on social media, the spat at Rye College in East Sussex began when a 13-year-old student unabashedly said that her classmate, who apparently identified as a cat, was “unwell”. The teacher rounded on the students, saying they “really upset someone” by “questioning their identity”, but the girls remained steadfast.

“If they want to identify as a cow or something, then they’re, like, genuinely unwell,” said one.

“Yeah, they’re crazy,” another agreed.

“Where did you get the idea from that there are only two genders?” asked the teacher in apparent shock.

The students said they were expressing their opinion, and asked why they’re being asked to respect the other student’s opinion but not vice-versa. The teacher answered that it is not an opinion but a fact that there are many genders, but the girls stood their ground.

“There’s only a boy and a girl. There’s [sic] no other private parts,” they said, adding: “If you have a vagina you’re a girl, if you have a penis you’re a boy. That’s it.”

They defiantly maintained their position even after the teacher told them to “go to a different school” and said she would be reporting them to the school’s administration.

In Huntington Beach, California, students at Edison High School last week expressed their protest when they were forced to watch a video promoting same-sex attraction. The video began by displaying a rainbow flag followed by a montage of same-sex couples kissing.

“Why are you showing this to kids?” one student asked the teacher, while others booed and told the teacher to “stop” and “turn it off”.

But it wasn’t a choice.

“Hey I'll warn you guys now, if you're going to be inappropriate, I will have supervision down and give all of you Saturday school for [indiscernible]. So knock it off,” the teacher threatened.

City and school officials in Burlington, Massachusetts are still reeling after students at Marshall Simonds Middle School this month ruined the school’s same-sex celebration.

Students were encouraged by the administration to come to school on June 2nd in rainbow-colored clothing. When they arrived, they were handed rainbow stickers to place on themselves.

But some students arrived on campus in red, white and blue-themed clothing. When they were handed rainbow stickers, they threw them on the ground and chanted “USA are my pronouns”. They tore down a sign that read “Happy Pride Month” and another that said “it’s not ok to say ‘That’s so gay.’”

In Illinois, Waterloo High School officials told students in March that if they were uncomfortable with boys entering the girls’ bathroom, they were free to use the single-stall bathroom in the nurse’s office. When their protests fell on deaf ears, 150 students lined up at the nurse’s bathroom. They were told by Superintendent Brian Charron that they would be marked tardy and that any student who continues to protest will be disciplined.