Report: 'The vaccines are neither safe nor effective'

In a report on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness released yesterday, Dr. Geoff Mitchell MD, JD determined the shots "neither safe nor effective," and concluded "the best data tells us that the COVID-19 vaccines are failing."According to that data, says Dr. Mitchell, "Countries with active vaccination programs have more COVID deaths than those who do not." Moreover, "Countries with a higher percentage of their population vaccinated have more COVID deaths," and "COVID deaths have increased with vaccination after vaccination programs were implemented.""The culmination of sixteen months of Africa study is that HCQ and IVM are both about 70% effective in reducing death," he noted, "but Artemisinin and atovaquone-proguanil are (inadvertently) 95% effective in reducing COVID death. Artemisinin is reportedly intentionally used in four countries to treat COVID. The most well-known of artemisinin-treating country is Madagascar which has a 954 COVID deaths, a rate of 35 dpm. This is 2% of the U.S. rate."Dr. Mitchell wrote: "Among the 104 countries which offer no demonstrable COVID vaccination programs, on 08/16/21, their COVID fatality rates averaged an unexpectedly lower 690 deaths per million."However, "Among the 82 countries which offer vaccination programs, on 08/16/21, their COVID fatality rates averaged 828 deaths per million which is counterintuitively higher than the COVID fatality rate for unvaccinated countries."In the 82 countries which offer vaccination programs, not only was the average COVID fatality rate greater than in unvaccinated countries, but the number of deaths increased as the number or percentage of residents vaccinated increased."