Religious exemption for COVID vaccine a big mistake? Opinion

The genetic code injection (GCI) is a distraction from the underlying re-shape of civilization and the war against G-d Al-mighty and man. It is an explosive trigger point dividing everyone arguing over the need, the effectiveness and the safety. And, religious exemption for the COVID vaccine is a distraction, and even worse, compliance and concession.

A phony dialectic…

The phony dialectic of the yes/no debate demands we take a side within the confines of the medical/scientific rules and logic system and then, if you take the ‘no’ side, you are directed to think that the “solution” is a religious exemption. You think the religious exemption is a relief, saving the day. But, public health wants to drive you into that “solution.” That’s why it is an option, for now. The trap of the religious exemption is the implicit agreement that the entire public health premise is legitimate – it’s just that you have an exemption for religious reasons. In some ways it is similar to how Pharaoh exempted the priests from the takeover of all private land in Egypt and re-location of the population, while everyone else became serfs.

Based on this view, I have not written religious exemption letters. Many of the first people who requested such letters were college students. I tried to explain to them that the college experience is more dangerous than the GCI. I do not want to participate in enabling their immersion in the propaganda against G-d Al-mighty and against the soul. And, for both students and employees, I believe that submitting a religious exemption letter IS compliance with the vaccine mandates. (You can watch this video where I discuss this.)

But then I put pen to paper…

I originally referred callers to other Rabbis who are willing to write the exemption letters. But then one congregant pleaded, “Rabbi, I am going to lose my job, and you are my Rabbi, please write a letter.” How could I not alleviate his suffering? Yet not compromise on what is true?

Here is what I wrote:

Mr. ________ has requested from me a letter as his Rabbi regarding his request for a religious exemption for the COVID vaccine.  I am not in the business of writing such letters. The Jewish People have too much experience with the Inquisition of religious beliefs and submission before religious adjudicators as is happening in this very process.  It is objectionable and unacceptable and I decline to participate.  It is only by voluntary participation that an Inquisition and grading, stratifying, and punishing of men can occur.

I write not to exempt Mr. __________ but to save your organization from a terrible sin and grievous violation of G-d Al-mighty’s Law.  Since denying a man access to living because of his proper adherence to the Word of G-d Al-mighty is cruel and a grave sin, I write this in the hope that it will save your organization from the disgrace of terminating a righteous and dedicated employee.

Judaism, which includes Jews and non-Jews, with 613 Commandments for Jews and Seven Commandments for non-Jews (along with a myriad of details for a righteous and blessed life), does not require that a man seek a Rabbi’s letter to do what is common sense, should a man be so fortunate as to make use of his Divine Gift of common sense.  

Mr. ________ erred in not consulting with me prior to taking the first genetic code injection and he has since learned that Torah does not permit it.  

If you should wish to delve further into the Torah to come to see this yourself, I invite you to embark on my 49 years of Torah dedication into the service of G-d Al-mighty, including immersing yourself 16 hours a day for many years in the Holy Torah in the Holy Language.  I trust that if you are dedicated and focused and successful in removing from yourself all traces of secular philosophy, foreign ideologies, group think, self-absorption, fear, ego, and belief in false saviors, you will merit to experience the Divine Wisdom of G-d Al-mighty that is so readily available to every man, if only he will listen, and you will SEE that that of which I write is self-evident.

I invite you to begin your immersion with my in person class on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm at 170 Main Avenue, Passaic, New Jersey 07055, and also to enroll at

With blessings for the immediate redemption from this cruel, dark and long exile in which darkness is redefined as light, sickness redefined as health, and cruelty redefined as for the common good, with the coming of our Righteous Redeemer for the benefit of every man, woman, and child, wherever they may be, immediately.

Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith

And you?

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below. If you agree, and have the courage to use the letter, you are most welcome to. We can’t let the religious exemption for the COVID vaccine become part of the problem.

I would consider sending this letter for someone who agrees with it and has the courage to use it and is enrolled in one of the tracks at