Save African refugees from forced family separations'

New Jersey Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith this week analyzed Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings, warning that we must fight this policy before more people suffer from it and before it's too late to oppose its introduction to the United States.

Removal from the family unit

According to the CDC guidelines, “High-risk individuals would be temporarily relocated to safe or ‘green zones’ established at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level …”

The CDC decides whether isolation (Shielding) in a room in one’s house is sufficient for those high-risk individuals or whether lack of “oversight, and often large household sizes” calls for forced swapping of homes (with all the high-risk individuals being moved to one of the homes) or even forced internment in a COVID camp.

Only the poorest families?

As the title to the CDC guidelines states, forced quarantines only apply to those living in “humanitarian settings.” While the CDC says “humanitarian settings” refers to people living in “camps, displaced populations and low-resource settings,” Rabbi Smith warns that what starts with the world’s most vulnerable population isn’t likely to end there:

“All the techniques of the public health tyranny and war are first implemented in poor countries where the people are easily fooled into complying with the public health imperialism advertised as for their benefit.

“But then, once practiced and polished, the enforcement comes to America, and Canada and Europe.”

Activist, religious leader, attorney, scientific training

In addition to his work in the clergy, Rabbi Smith is an attorney with a background in molecular biology, infectious diseases and virology.  He is the publisher of two books on biblical law, teaches weekly classes for all and advocates for medical freedom at

Everyone at risk of forced removal 

In his latest blog, People need our help… and now! To protect them from ‘Shielding,’ the public health war on man, marriage and family, Rabbi Smith warns,

“High-risk” is an arbitrary definition against which a man has no defense. Categorization of men is based on general statistical and numerical measurements – they have nothing to do with the individual, his health or his well-being …

“… ‘older adults’ and ‘people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions’ are linked to COVID-19 without proof of causation and other techniques are used to eliminate the elderly and infirm – another public health objective to improve the health statistics and health expenses of the general population by eliminating the unproductive and costly ‘unhealthy.’

"As Mark Twain wisely said, there are Lies, Darned Lies and Statistics. What he forgot to add is that even lower than the lies of Statistics is Epidemiology which is the use of numbers to create mythologies about disease and ‘causation by correlation’ using arbitrary input to create manufactured output to then spread fear and demand compliance. Once human life is governed by public health using the ‘evidence’ of ‘epidemiology’, an arbitrary and ruthless tyranny is created from which there is no appeal. In fact, anyone opposing it is [considered to be] creating danger and [to be] dangerous.”

Double Speak

Rabbi Smith warns us not to trust the terminology chosen by public health officials: 

“Like all evil plans, the terminology sounds benign and even ‘good.’ ‘Shielding’ sounds like people will be ‘defended’ and ‘protected’ from some great threat. But, the real threat in this evil plan now being executed is the ‘shielders’ themselves.

“… the driving force in ‘Shielding’ is not health but rather using the fear of ill health as an excuse to directly and forcibly dismantle marriage, family and community.

“The easiest starting place to implement this is with people who have already been forced from their homes by manufactured crises. Once uprooted, a man is weakened and he becomes dependent on the services offered in way-stations and ultimately refugee camps. It is a struggle to keep a family together and larger clans intact.

“Uprooting people is a technique to lower their defenses, put them in a mode of insecurity and impose new rules and restrictions. This was done for thousands of years including in Egypt where the people were relocated so they should be detached from what had previously been their private land. The Nazis used movement and relocation as a means to crush the spirit of the people with no base to defend.

“So too, refugee camps are the ‘solution’ to the forced displacement and dislocation intentionally created through war, persecution, famine and infrastructure destruction.”

Conspiracy or public policy?

In December 2021, AFLDS published, “Five ‘conspiracy theories’ that were validated in 2021,” with “COVID Camps” being one:

“The idea that governments were planning to build quarantine camps was another rumor that was circulating in 2020. The fear was that the government would detain people, even healthy people into internment camps - this was written off by the media and politicians as just more ‘disinformation’ .. As time went on these camps were built and opened both in Canada and Australia. The facilities in Canada were not used just for travelers or just for people who were looking to ‘voluntarily isolate’ but rather included other Canadians who were detained due to their non-compliance with COVID regulations.

“Australia also built camps under the auspices of helping travelers find a place to self-isolate but then began detaining citizens without due process for violating COVID regulations. There were cases of three teenagers who broke out of their ‘voluntary’ stay at the camp after being detained despite having tested negative for COVID. Hayley Hodgson who in an interview described how she was detained under threat of arrest and put into a camp for two weeks - even though she was not a COVID patient. To make matters more dramatic, Australia's military was called in to ‘assist’ in transporting people to quarantine camps … similar programs exist in Germany and New Zealand.”                    

Limited movement as a prelude to forced isolation

In August 2021, AFLDS ominously asked, “Are the unvaxxed the ‘New Jews’?” That article answered its own question with a reference to the CDC’s above described Shielding policy: 

“Should the unvaccinated be rounded up and segregated ‘for their own protection’?

“The CDC thinks so.”

The article quoted Israeli mayors laying the groundwork for Shielding, refusing to allow healthy, unvaccinated individuals to enter their cities:

Hadera Mayor Zvika Gandelman announced that the entry of non-residents into the city using public transportation will only be permitted for those who can present proof of vaccination

“The mayor of Acre, Shimon Lankri, and city council members instructed … buses of unvaccinated residents will not be allowed to enter the city and its shores.”

Taking action

In an exclusive interview with AFLDS, Rabbi Smith laid out his vision moving forward:

“Public health has a detailed plan in place for the management of humanity under its control. These are detailed in WHO and CDC documents dating at least back to the 1980s. To implement these control measures they need two ingredients: 

(1) the crisis to make the controls look beneficial, and 

(2) the vulnerable populations that cannot resist the controls. 

“An example is "Shielding" which is the Orwellian term for removing people from their homes to protect others in the home and community.  COVID-19 provides such a crisis to implement this plan.  The vulnerable population is Africans in refugee camps who are the first victims.  The refugees cannot resist and implementing it there first, creates a training ground for the public health forces. 

“The WHO and CDC relies on the assumption that most Westerners will not protest and block these controls because the Africans are too distant to move people in the West to action. 

“If Westerners do think this way, it would be a fatal error because by the time the WHO and CDC are ready to implement “Shielding” in the West it will have hands-on experience and have already created a norm in the world. 

“The speed at which it will be implemented in the West in response to a highly contagious threat will catch people off guard and most will think it is a good idea. Therefore, it is necessary to protest and dismantle “Shielding” now, both for the benefit of the vulnerable victims and to prevent the WHO and CDC from implementing it anywhere at any time.

Obviously, instead of merely protesting Shielding, dismantling the WHO and the CDC entirely is a more effective, permanent and necessary solution.”