Queensland Health Minister unable to explain high increase in heart attacks, chest pains

Queensland Health Minister Yvette D’Ath Tuesday said no one can explain why there was a sudden surge in emergency code-one calls, which are emergency calls to report the imminent death of a person. 

According to state records, there was a 40% increase in code-one calls. 

“But it is really interesting,” D’Ath told reporters Tuesday. “Yeah, I don’t think anyone can explain why we saw a 40% jump in code-ones. And I’ve- I’ve seen that as I’ve traveled around the state sometimes. I walk into an ambulance service and they’ll say, ‘We had a 30% increase in code-ones yesterday. Can’t tell you why. We just had a lot of heart attacks and chest pains and trouble, you know, breathing and respiratory issues.’ Sometimes you can’t explain why those things happen.” 

The 40% increase in imminent death calls matches the increase in death-benefit claims being reported by insurance companies, which they, too, are unable to explain. 

Insurance providers are seeing a 40% increase in deaths from pre-pandemic levels among the 18-64 age group, the healthiest portion of our population, reported Frontline News.  

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business,” said OneAmerica chief executive Scott Davison in December.  

Davison said that not only are deaths at an all-time high, but a 40% increase is way beyond what would be considered a "catastrophe”.  

“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be a 10 percent increase over pre-pandemic. So 40 percent is just unheard of,” Davison said.  

Insurance company Global Life said that many of the death-benefit claims are from heart and circulatory issues, and neurological disorders.  

Heart and circulatory issues are hallmarks of the COVID-19 vaccine, though the suggestion of that is somewhat verboten and could trigger an intense backlash. 

"QLD health minister says none of her ‘experts’ can explain a sudden 40% increase in code-1 heart attacks, chest pains and respiratory issues,” wrote Rebel News reporter and activist about D’Ath’s remarks. “In other news: I have a theory.” 

“Remember: Safe and effective,” commented former Australian Senator Cory Bernardi above the video. 

“Let me guess…climate change?” tweeted record-breaker Erwan Le Corre. 

“Negligence: knew or ought to have known,” said former Australian Senator David Leyondhjelm.