Proof of controlled conflict in Ukraine

In US government propping up ‘former communists’ despite defector’s warnings we saw that the US government ignored the warnings of the leading KGB defector, Anatoly Golitsyn, of the danger of funding the former Soviet Union and of plans to rebuild the Soviet empire.

Former communists in charge of Ukraine

As noted by the editor of Golitsyn’s second book, a collection of memoranda he addressed to the CIA, Perestroika Deception, Ukraine, like other former Soviet satellites, remained under communist control.

Throughout the 'former' USSR, key Communist strategists and implementers were in open control. Specifically … the President of Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk, former Communist Party ideology chief, was succeeded by Leonid Kuchma, formerly the Communist Director of a Soviet missile plant … The Russian Ambassador in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, has told foreign colleagues not to bother expanding their embassies since they will eventually have to be downgraded to consulates again.

More recently, following the 2014 Ukrainian revolution deposing their pro-Russia leader, The New York Times acknowledged the presence of the old leaders among the new in Ukrainian Protesters See Too Many Familiar Faces in Parliament After Revolution.

Zelensky's ties that bind

Thus, the current leader of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, may be heavily influenced by the pro-Russia personalities holding onto power. Indeed, many of the oligarchs who hold substantial sway over the government are actually “former communist big wigs from the Soviet time” who were given preferential treatment to allow them to make business deals unavailable to those unaffiliated with the communists. 

One such Ukrainian oligarch is billionaire Ihor Kolomoyskyi, who co-founded PrivatBank in 1992, just after Ukraine declared independence. PrivatBank was the only Ukrainian lender to receive permission from the National Bank of Ukraine to open an overseas branch, allowing it to become Ukraine’s largest commercial bank. It received permission to open its first overseas branch in 1999 when Ukraine was ruled by Leonid Kuchma, who, as mentioned above, formerly served as Communist Director of a Soviet missile plant.

Kolomoyskyi also owns 1+1 Media Group whose TV channel 1+1 aired "Servant of the People", the comedy series in which Zelensky played the role of president of Ukraine. Kolomoyskyi also served as Zelensky’s benefactor in his run for president. In fact

The Pandora Papers showed that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his TV production partners were beneficiaries of a web of offshore firms created in 2012, the same year Zelensky’s production company entered into a deal with Kolomoysky’s media group, which allegedly received $41 million in funds from Kolomoysky’s Privatbank.

Zelensky’s political rival, President Petro Poroshenko commented on their connection during the campaign trail, “Fate intended to put me together with Kolomoyskiy’s puppet in the second round of the elections.”

After Zelensky’s victory, Kolomoysky, who had spent the last few years living between Israel and Switzerland, returned to Ukraine to keep up his relationship with the new president, nominating over 30-lawmakers to Zelensky’s newly established party and maintaining influence with many of them in parliament.

Former communists in charge of Russia

As for Russia, while the press makes much of the individual personality of its president, Vladimir Putin, its executive decision making power is actually split up among a number of ministers with communist ties who comprise the government of Russia, in which Putin does not even have a seat. They are led by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, whose father was a member of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, the executive leadership of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League.

Even if Putin could sway this round table of ministers to do his bidding, he himself could be relied upon to advance long term communist policy. As we reported in How one defector got it right, Putin was not only a loyal agent of the feared KGB who rose to head the agency when it changed its name to the FSB, but he filled so many important government positions with KGB agents that the BBC headlined a 2006 article,

KGB influence 'soars under Putin' Four out of five political leaders and state administrators in Russia either have been or still are members of the security services.

Der Spiegel similarly stated:  

Kremlin Riddled with Former KGB Agents.

Why would two nations under the control of the same communists go to war?

The Russia-Ukraine war certainly could then be a controlled conflict, with former communists in control of both nations. What then do they want out of this conflict?

More money, more weapons

Winston Churchill’s words, “never let a good crisis go to waste,” seem to have been adapted by communists to be restated as, “always create a good crisis.” Manufactured crises, together with real ones, have been used to justify over $50 billion in foreign aid each year, with additional “emergency aid” all but guaranteed with each escalation. This, despite US military equipment and technology recently winding up in the hands of ISIS, the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Thus, the White House proudly stated this past September,

Providing Ukraine with Security Assistance: The United States is announcing a new $60 million security assistance package, including additional Javelin anti-armor systems and other defensive lethal and non-lethal capabilities, to enable Ukraine to more effectively defend itself against Russian aggression. The United States has committed $2.5 billion in support of Ukraine’s forces since 2014, including more than $400 million this year alone….

Investing in Ukraine’s Reform Agenda: Governance reform is critical to ensuring democracy delivers for the people …  In support of Ukraine’s reform efforts, the U.S. government has provided Ukraine with nearly $2 billion in development assistance since 2014 and plans to allocate over $463 million in assistance this year …

Providing Sufficient Funding for Growth: …. The initial amount of $3 billion in support from the Export-Import Bank (EXIM) of the United States for these potential transactions may be increased as the pipeline of projects in agribusiness, infrastructure, climate, and energy develops…

Fighting COVID-19:  The United States has provided approximately $55 million in COVID-19 related assistance and donated nearly 2.2 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Ukraine. The United States intends to provide additional assistance to Ukraine, to include cold chain storage support and an additional $12.8 million in COVID-related assistance …

Humanitarian Assistance: The ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine has left 3.4 million people in need of humanitarian aid. Since 2014, the United States has provided over $306 million in life-saving assistance to help Ukrainians in need … The U.S. government will provide an additional $45 million in humanitarian assistance to Ukraine this year.

Of course, this money pales in comparison to the new emergency aid package.

Washington (CNN) A massive spending bill signed into law by President Joe Biden Tuesday provides for a one-time $13.6 billion infusion of military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine as it fights back against Russia's invasion. 

By this measure, the goal of the conflict has already been achieved, with US money and weapons increasingly transferred to the control of former communists. If Russia gets to leave troops in Ukraine or if Ukraine announces a shift in alignment toward Russia, it would just be a bonus for the Russian strategy.

A new way:

Rather than pick or defend a side, the correct response in any controlled conflict is to first expose the conflict for what it is and then to cut off financial and military transfers to both sides. Even trade should be halted until a formerly communist nation can prove that communists no longer hold sway over the lives of its citizens. In this way, controlled economies, which go hand-in-hand with control of the people in those economies, can collapse under their own weight, while free economies, unburdened by the need to prop those economies up, can go back to prospering.

That way, the next time the World Health Organization demands compliance with lockdown, quarantine and vaccination directives, a few more nation states might be in the non-compliance column.

See our previous article in this series:

Did the Soviet Union fake its own funeral?

100 years of fake communist collapses

How one defector got it right

US government propping up ‘former communists’ despite defector’s warnings