Project Veritas drops bombshell video about FDA, Twitter suspends account

Twitter has suspended the account of @ExposeFDA, the most recent operation of Project Veritas, which just released a bombshell video of a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) high-level official. 

The video was taken by an undercover Project Veritas reporter via hidden camera, and shows a conversation with Christopher Cole, the FDA’s executive officer of countermeasures initiative.

In the video, Cole makes some shocking admissions. 

For one, Cole unwittingly admits to the reporter that the FDA is bribed to approve certain products. 

“The drug companies, the food companies, the vaccine companies, they pay us hundreds of millions of dollars a year to hire and keep the reviewers to approve their products,” said Cole. 

While many believe that Big Pharma is “all about the Benjamins”, Cole seemed to confirm this by revealing that the financial incentive for the makers of the COVID-19 vaccine to keep inoculating people is enormous. 

“If [pharmaceutical companies] can get every person required to get an annual vaccine, that is a recurring return of money going into their company,” he said. 

And lo and behold, Cole divulged that Biden’s goal is annual vaccinations. 

“Biden wants to inoculate as many people as you’ll have to get an annual shot,” said the FDA executive. “I mean, it hasn’t been formally announced yet, ‘cause they don’t want to rile everyone up.” 

Then, Cole revealed plans to begin inoculating toddlers with a COVID-19 vaccine that is still being tested. Though it is still in trials, Cole is certain that they’ll be approved. 

“So how do you know it’s already getting approved?” asked the undercover journalist. 

“Well, [the FDA is] not going to...I mean, just from everything I’ve heard, they’re not going to not approve it,” answered Cole. 

But it won’t stop there, Cole said. The vaccines for toddlers will be forced. 

“I think what’s going to happen is it’s going to be a gradual thing,” he said. “School’s going to mandate it.” 

Cole also said that the toddlers will have to be given three shots just for COVID-19 and there will be an annual shot on top of those. 

But the FDA exec admitted that he doesn’t agree with the FDA’s process, which doesn’t give parents the assurance they need. 

“I don’t completely agree with [the FDA’s] process...they don’t have all the – all the tests aren’t there,” Cole told Project Veritas. “ can’t provide the parent as much assurity [sic] as you’d normally want to.” 

The Project Veritas reporter then asked Cole why there’s such a push to inoculate toddlers when they’re not even at risk from COVID-19. Cole agreed they’re not at risk, but appeared to suggest that since all age groups are covered under the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization for the vaccine, they “might as well” inoculate that age group as well. 

“They’re not [at risk], but because it’s related to COVID, it’s under that approval process,” he said. 

Last year, Project Veritas conducted similar operations with Pfizer scientists who worked on the COVID-19 vaccine. All three scientists said that natural immunity is stronger than the vaccine. 

Chris Croce, senior associate scientist at Pfizer, said he’s less than thrilled to be working at Pfizer. 

“I mean, I still feel like I work for an evil corporation,” said Croce. “...basically, our organization is run on COVID money now.” 

Pfizer also conducted yet another operation with Johnson & Johnson employees, who were asked about vaccinating children. Both employees said children don’t need to be vaccinated. 

“It’s a kid, you don’t just do that, you know?” said Brandon Schadt, business lead at J&J. “Not something that’s so unknown in terms of repercussions down the road, you know.” 

J&J scientist Justin Durant also told a Project Veritas reporter that children should not get the vaccine. 

When asked why there’s such a crusade to vaccinate children when there’s no need for it, both J&J employees said it was about money.