Professor who said unvaccinated have ‘head up their a**’ wants amnesty

A professor who demanded lockdowns and ridiculed Americans who refused the COVID-19 vaccines as having their “head up their a**” is now asking for “grace and forgiveness.”

In 2020 New York University Stern School of Business Professor Scott Galloway blamed lockdowns on Americans who refused to wear masks. He also held them responsible for his father’s spiraling dementia and his son’s disorientation, both of which were exacerbated by lockdowns.

In 2021 Galloway was featured in a video shaming those who chose to remain unvaccinated.

“The share of the population that is unwilling to get vaccinated: America is now the runner-up in vaccine hesitancy—or as I like to think of it, the silver medalist in the head-up-your-a** competition,” Galloway said confidently. “And nearly one in five US adults report that they are unwilling to get a vaccine, coming in second just behind Mother Russia. That makes 56 million Americans roughly 11 times more likely to die from COVID than the rest of the population. In other words, some Americans have decided to play—wait for it—Russian roulette, not only with their own lives but with other people’s lives. 

“This is probably the most embarrassing thing. We have some wonderful things coming out of COVID—specifically, America’s response has been a victory in healthcare. These vaccines are a gift, but there’s no doubt about it: we come out of this looking incompetent and ignorant.”

But Galloway sounded different on Friday during an appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher, where he joined a panel including former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his then-secretary, Melissa DeRosa. 

While Galloway did not address his comments about unvaccinated Americans, he admitted to being wrong about lockdowns.

“I was on the board of my kid’s school during COVID. I wanted a harsher lockdown policy and in retrospect, I was wrong. The damage to kids of keeping them out of school longer was greater than the risk,” said Galloway.

As early as 2020 the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) — which determined remote learning to be helpful in reducing the spread of COVID-19 — was forced to admit that this benefit was outweighed by the emotional and mental damage caused to children.

Nevertheless, Galloway requested “grace and forgiveness” because he and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were working with “imperfect information.”

“But here’s the bottom line: myself, our great people, the CDC, I’d like to think the governor [Andrew Cuomo], we were all operating with imperfect information and we were doing our best,” Galloway said to applause from the audience. “But let’s learn from it. Let’s hold each other accountable, but let’s bring a little bit of grace and forgiveness in the sh*t show that was COVID.”

But outside the HBO studio Galloway’s request for amnesty was not well-received.

“Dear NYU Professor, F#ck YOU! No Amnesty!” tweeted actor Rob Schneider Saturday. “Where was your grace and kindness to those of us who said ‘no’ to the experimental Jab? I seem to remember threats of our livelihood and worse! So no. You showed us who you really were…”

Galloway has been joined in his call for amnesty by other pandemic architects.

In April former National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN’s Christian Amanpour that there must be an end to “the blame game” because he did not know better.

“I think we have to get away from the blame game because so many of the things that you have mentioned [lockdowns and the vaccine’s ability to stop transmission] were unknowns at the time,” said Fauci.

“So, rather than have a blame game, and that’s one of the things that we have to stay away from because there were things that happened and it was a moving target and there were things that you did not know at the time and you had to, out of necessity, make a decision,” he added.

Earlier this year American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten also asked for amnesty. Weingarten is known for not only promoting lockdowns but also for successfully lobbying the CDC to keep schools closed even as evidence showed schools were not at risk for spreading COVID-19. She was also instrumental in forcing children to wear masks throughout the day.