Politicians downplay COVID coercion

Dr. Robert Malone, who became critical of the COVID mRNA injections after being personally injured by one, predicted early last year that politicians would eventually try to hide their support for coercive measures to encourage others to take the jab. 

Very soon there will be hundreds of health officials saying “it was your choice, no one made you take it.”

‘Very soon’ is now in Ecuador

Ecuadoran Attorney William Sánchez Aveiga has put his nation's health ministry on the defensive through his Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) demands for internal government documents on COVID measures. After successfully obtaining a court order requiring the Health Ministry to release those documents, something the ministry has yet to properly do, Aveiga again put the ministry on the defensive with a new lawsuit accusing the government of violating the nation's constitution with coercive vaccine regulations.

In a video published on YouTube, Aveiga lays out, in Spanish with the option for automated English subtitles, the government's violations of the law. 

The resolution of the Ministry of Public Health . . . that this government is using to force vaccination [of the population] from preschool children to young students to adults . . . is unconstitutional as it violates the right to [not be medicated without] freely given prior informed consent [to a medical procedure]

[This right is] not only codified in article 362 of our constitution but also is a human right contemplated in international agreements to which Ecuador is a signatory, which is why the Ministry of Public Health always kept in the vaccination cards the phrase, “vaccination is voluntary and free,” even though the government coerced the people through national COE [Spanish acronym for Emergency Operations Committee] to take the vaccine. [0:08 - 1:13].

Aveiga then provided the COE's response:

[W]hen we demanded . . . sanctions, [the health minister] defended himself by saying that the resolutions issued by them were just tips and suggestions. 

Aveiga then explained that Ecuadoran citizens faced the loss of their jobs and their children's expulsion from school if they refused the COVID shots. The government did not explain how that amounts to just “tips and suggestions.”

Canada too

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is now also downplaying his coercive measures, as seen in this excerpt:

[T]here are potential side effects in vaccinations. And there are people who’ve probably gotten very sick from vaccinations on [sic] the billions of people who’ve been vaccinated against COVID over the past few years…While not forcing anyone to get vaccinated, I chose to make sure that all the incentives and all the protections were there to encourage Canadians to get vaccinated.

Twitter users were quick to set the record straight, quoting Trudeau as saying, 

Get vaccinated…and you know what? If you don’t want to get vaccinated…don’t even think you can get on a plane or a train…and sit beside vaccinated people and put them at risk…

One tweet brought up a polarizing Trudeau quote threatening not to tolerate those who refuse the jab and describing them as "very often misogynistic and racist." 

We are going to end this pandemic by proceeding with the vaccination …

However, there is still a part of the population [that] is fiercely against it.

They don’t believe in science/progress and are very often misogynistic and racist.

It’s a very small group of people, but that doesn’t shy away from the fact that they take up some space.

This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice. Do we tolerate these people?

Finally, one Twitter user found an animation to describe their thoughts.

See our earlier article on the resistance of Ecuadorian Attorney William Sánchez Aveiga:

Ecuador Health Ministry forced to clarify incomplete FOIA answer